Soul Palate Podcast
Soul Palate Podcast
Mind F*cked
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All things Soul Palate:
Find Fun Sh*t to drink:
Tasting Line-up: Finished Whiskies
- Acronimo Sotol Blanco
- Kinobi Kyoto Dry Gin Edition K
- Sir Davis Sherry-Finished Rye Whiskey
- Phyllis & Her Walk In The Woods Rye Whiskey
- Novo Fogo Passionfruit Cachaca
- Fontbone Herbal Liqueur
Posts Featured on this episode:
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelking/2024/09/17/this-woman-led-spirits-startup-wants-to-elevate-sotol-worldwide/
- https://www.instagram.com/p/DAQvQrSxgS9/?igsh=MWc3NG94dTQzZHZueAv==
- https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_0qSVIuAkU/?igsh=MWYxeGVkaDJyd3JhYg==
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#SoulPalate #SoulPalatePod
But of course. That. my God, 20 feet. right. God. Are we back? We made it back to the train, back. To the mikes. Chatting to the things he claims. To be doing. That's why we did it. We've been going through life and shit, and so have you. You know, comment what you've been going through since we've been gone. How about that? How about we. Exchange? It's been crazy. So it's been eight months, guys. So we're going to introduce ourselves. People who may just be picking this up for the first time. I'm Dee and I'm Capri. And it's the Soul Pilot podcast. You already know what gives. We do the things of the things yet and so, God, eight months is crazy. So I'm still I didn't calculate the time until I was walking to his apartment. So. Yes. Yeah. Sorry. that was not intentional. And for all the people that have been checking on us, like, when is it coming back? When it's coming back. Thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it is coming back. It's here. It's there. Yeah. I mean, and we're going to be not as frequent as before, but we are going to be more consistent, which will allow us to keep, you know, giving you all content the way that you all like, but also allowing us the time to make sure it happens the right way. Yeah. And to be able to get it done realistically. Right? Exactly. Because weekly right now with the way both of our schedules are set up. And continue to be set up. For it. So I don't think either of us is getting any less busy anytime soon. So with that being said, we will now be switching from weekly episodes to monthly episodes. Yes, and it'll still be same like length in terms of like time format or whatever. So, you know, decent amount of content still. Absolutely. Just not on a weekly basis. So that actually also gives us time to like have. More. To share with you all during that time, the recording and stuff. So I think that'd be great to. One. Hundred percent. I mean, so yeah. Yeah. So what you see in front of you, a whole bunch of different bottles, this is also kind of a tell tale of the time that we've been gone. Yeah, I mean, getting some things in the mail and these are six of the biggest ones. I think I just missed it. Like, one other thing was a mano Nino, which we know. yeah. Okay. Yeah. But yeah, so these are the more some stuff that people have never seen before, I believe, and that she's never tasted. Yeah, I've never tasted. I, well I've tasted three out of the six so I'm very excited to do this as you can see. Yes. Yeah. Bottle is. There. Yes I so I'm very excited for the Davis situation. I cannot wait Bay. I don't know what your caller hat but Yeah. Shout out to Cameron George and the people. So Cameron team sir Cameron and the team are Davis so we're excited to review that today. It's been a hot topic going on one of Beyonce's new ventures. And yeah, we'll get there. But first we sit right? We're going to get into our first one, which is going to be actually Acro Minnow acronym. I'm sorry, the person that the. Acronym, the. Acronym is going to be a all. I am so very fucking excited about this because So Tall is actually one of my favorite Mexican spirits. I just found out that it's actually not made from Agave. It's made from a different type of plant called Des Leary on the seal disuse in Iran. Does El-Erian Yeah, something like that. S where lir0 In this case, I want to go and try to pronounce that. And I just think that's so great. It's to me. So it's all in a nutshell is a mexican spirit. That plant is in a like an agave style. And according to this, they got a whole Forbes article written about them that could tell you a lot about sort of if you go and type in this acronym or acronym, often. And this link will be shared on our description, too. Yes. And I'm pretty much talking about how this plant, especially in Chihuahua, is just wildly grown and it's not really farmed or that makes any sense. And they go and use a widely grown plant to make this so tall and so tall was actually predates Mezcal and tequila and I guess like over 800 years ago or so, according to the Forbes article. So super cool. The person that sent it out to me, this is a woman led brand Love that which is super cool. Her name is Alessandra Camino. And her and her, yes, her brother is helping her out. Jose Luis Camino, also female lead company, and said that her family has been in Chihuahua, kind of making spirits for about 125 plus years. So this is pretty cool. I'm very excited to taste this and thank you for sending it to me. So let's give it all. The little. Things. Who knows? It's so delicate. Yeah, it's like the smoke is there, but it's very delicate. I'm going to say this kind of smells like a little bit of mustard. Like a. Spicy mustard. No, yellow, yellow, yellow mustard. So you know what? I can get that. It's not like as because sometimes, like, if you just sniff and yellow mustard out of the bottle that be kind of offensive to the nose. It's not like that. But it definitely gives that kind of essence. Yeah. Something like maybe about this. That smoke, maybe. Yeah. Almost reminds me of something like Pachuco style. Exactly. Like some sort of, like, smoked meat. Exactly. Which I love. I love Pachuco style. So, like, on the y barbecue sauce. All things Smokey Barbecue, like, Yeah. I like thinking about, like, sitting down where you see a smoker and someone going, like, smoking me for very long time. Those seasonings that you smell through that. Yes. Like even the poultry element. Yes, exactly. Chipotle is a great one. Yeah. That's the a whenever I think like probably Pepper is mobility this hundred percent. Yeah. That's where you go. That's great. Yeah. Chipotle is my kind of first marker and then I'm like, is it quite Ebola? Is it something else? Like was like milder than pull it? Then I start to think maybe smoked paprika like. Yeah. It's a good it's a good starting point for the tasters listening and watching. This is also very savory on the taste too, which is so good. Honestly, this is fucking delicious. I really want to have a lime or orange with warm salt or with this right now. Like I could even do a grapefruit with some warm salt right now. That would be perfect. Feels good. Cold in the mouth also. It's a little mouth drying without being tannic. It like, what's the word I want it to kind of evaporates on the palate a little bit. Just the just the liquid itself. Flavor wise, everything lingers. I want this one food. Yup. I want it right next to my food. I want it next to. I'm having it with my tacos. When we're done here. I'm always lost. I can't eat because most of them have peanuts. really? Never knew. That a lot of mole has peanuts in it. So I have a special When I'm done in my store, I haven't been able to really, like, try a good meal. I love them. They. They'll be really good. So tasty. Well, okay, shout out to them. What's the name of this again? Alchemy. No. Nemo. Acronym, MO. Acronym. Acronym Most or Blanco? Yes, I peri-peri. I love that so much. I think it's so cool. Chow Yes. All right. Acronyms. Yeah. Yeah. I don't even know what that means. I'm sorry, guys. I should have looked that part up, too. But here we are. It's probably, I don't know, acronym. I don't know that acronym. Meaning. Acronym Not. Nor does it mean a person. I know. That's acronym, not acronym. my God. Maybe I should have put translation for equity. I was the guy there in the dictionary. Just try to make it acronym at least. Mostly use Google Translate. Yeah, well, I'm translating. What you've been up to pre because you got eight months of catching up with the people. Do you remember? We don't go back that far, but. It took go back to eight months ago was eight. Months. That was February. Our last episode was with Clyde in February. okay. Wow. Right. That was right before my birthday then. Yeah you're right. But you did what New Orleans this year? That New Orleans for my birthday. I did Mardi Gras for the first time. So that was great. What was it? When I came back for Mardi Gras? no. It was it was like the sixth or something like that. Like it was. Okay. So before I. Went, it was before your birthday. But yeah, I mean, that was amazing. That is a little definition. It is an acronym. Yeah. let's go. I typed in it in Spanish and it translates to acronym. What did I say? What did I say? That phrase. Sometimes you can guess with these Spanish words. I think I. Figured out when you read. Them. Right. Well, you really. Can't tell you. Correct. Just I just like. Okay. Okay. I wonder why it's called acronym. because. Yeah, I wonder what. The questions that now need answers. Yeah, but we'll see an acronym. All Spirits. And I think they're gonna be making more than just insults also. We'll see. All right. I don't know. Because acronym means just like, shortening. Yeah, with letters, Right? So. Like, whale is an acronym for talk to you later. Right? I don't think they put any letters on the bottle, but. my God. Yeah. Now I want to know. Acronym. well. I guarantee you somewhere the actual the lady, her brother got a description somewhere of why it's called acronyms. Yeah, we probably need to go to website for sure. Also, the variety of the sports hall plant in this. yeah. So it's all 100% pyro. It's going to be dazzling. We are on. We do very. Well, Larry. With Larry. Right. And then the and then also desultory on said dross on them. Such a solemn. So you. Know what? Look, this is based on might be. Getting them to some some of the Sumerian spears try to figure out maybe I'll be the sole tall person since all your make out people. Die. Would you be like, in terms of what like getting. Into, like, the the types are so tall plan. yeah. That. yeah. Like deep diving. Yeah. I'm a deep dive. Deep dive Though Grayson is also also a tall man Shout are great. really? Hey, buddy. Yeah. It's a beautiful bottle. So since the birthday, I've been able to travel quite a bit. I don't know. I guess I had only gone to South Africa and Mexico. Well, no, I haven't even gone to South Africa yet. I think I only went to Mexico before my birthday. Or South. Africa. That was in February. Anyways. Yeah, I went to South Africa this year. I've been to Peru, which was amazing. I've gone to Japan this year, I've been to Paris, I've been to south of France and the countryside, which is amazing. It was that was amazing. Honestly, my favorite was probably still Peru, like we did the Sand Dunes and that was amazing. I was on shrooms and cried because the sunset was so beautiful and just like thinking about how my life has gotten to this point of traveling just because of what I do. So I was very grateful sitting in those sand dunes as after I watched the new dune. So I'm like, I saw him all that shit, you know, this is really great. And then, you know, we've had a great year in terms of presence for chocolate is best at sales of the cocktail this year. Yes, that was great. Yeah. Those amazing events that we put together and I think just the feeling of community while down there was great. I was working so much. I was working every day while I was down there. I really working, I was working, waking up at like nine, eight, seven, sometimes going. Back to my phones. Just acting crazy. Lost my voice midway through the week. If you see panels to. Spare where panels. Still have to go, I don't know. It's those pushing out of voice and somehow making it work. One bartender of the year this year period, which was great which is our. Is a little. Bit from last year tales of the cocktail this year also shout to allegory won best U.S. hotel bar which was amazing. Yeah I mean it's been great. We also just won these award from something called the Pinnacle. Review or something like I've heard of that. The Pinnacle. Review. So is supposed to be the Michelin of bars and CO. Why are we just now hearing about. It? So who knows? Pinnacle Review I don't know if I know how to spell. Pinnacle at this hotel so good. I'm going to play a. Pie in a clear I think. In the code review Review. I'll try to work this out. We need somebody on the side. Google Googling this for us. Yes, but we have a producer of this as So. Yeah, I don't. Know, Pinnacle. I don't know if pinnacle is something I'm going to look at. The Grammys. Want to shout shout out to anybody looking to produce some podcasts? Yeah. Come on. Let us the Pinnacle Guide. Sorry. The guy you like. The Michelin guy. I'm going to follow them now. But pretty much, you know, you get to pin one well, one pin to pin three pins. We got two pins. Meaning it was outstanding. Three pins means exceptional, supposedly very minimal lightness. This is the first one that's gotten a three pin out of London, UK. So. Okay, having two pass to start off is pretty dope. Let's see if they like to know their criteria. Yeah, we have outlets out of Singapore. We are bitter and twisted out of Phenix, Nipper, Ken out of London. Well, I'm going to London, so maybe I'll try to figure that out. Let's see that origin bar at Shangri-La and Singapore. Ocho, Panda and Sons, Edinburg Paradiso or Barcelona. So Petit pretty, pretty sorry. In Louisville. I feel like I've. Been to pretty decent much, I think. Silva and Osaka. I think I've been there. I no, I've. They're not. So. Bad. I want to go to Vegas. I bet So. Osaka the American bar at. Gleneagles. In it looks like. Art curator. What UK. I don't know where to set up either. Rating the reader the spy bar at Raffles London in London. Thunderbolt in Los Angeles. I've heard lots about that place. I have a gun in L.A. yet true loyal to are popping up an allegory tonight. True. Laura lies in San Francisco. I told you this. Does allegory, which is as see is also is Washington DC. What the fuck? They put Washington. To this course system. Is District of Columbia get it correct? Correct. I leave Washington out of it. Yeah. Honestly, Century grand out up in Phenix. Well. That's it. See? But you guys, I don't know about that. Sure, sure. Yeah. All the people that I love at fuckin Centric that are gone. So, like. As in they left. As in they left. Yeah. One of them was pushed out. I'm fairly and yeah. Found out about your corporate horribleness. But you know what we won't blast you today. Will do. Well, I'll find out of my. Yes if you're a Singapore which else is all to two points. So relief in London Silver Lion dope here is to DC Washington. All right. Yeah. And then the cocktail bar at the Merchant Hotel in. Belfast. And Belfast. So, yeah, that these are all too often every 24 lists. So we got two pens and then I'm not going to go through the one pen. Yeah. So like, it's fine with. You can go to. Younger, get. Single pens or whatever you. Want to do and. curated. That's nice. I'll look at this later though. Yes. I'm very happy about this. Supposedly this is less about who you know and more about actual like service and drinks. Like somebody is. Coming in. Merit. Yeah, someone's coming in. And actually I guess might have some kind of like guide to the voting process supposedly, you know, who knows? Hopefully we can keep our two pens moving throughout the year. And this is also something that also for people to look out for as it continues to grow. So it's really cool that we were a part of the list. I'm not sure how long this has been going. there's applications so you can apply. So that's cool. Yeah. Don't. then launching new country. So I'm it's going to be like this is a new guy like saying it's the launching new countries now and stuff like that. So yeah. I'm very excited and maybe it's not new John I don't know. Him. Anyways thank you Pinnacle then. Yeah you know I have a boo thing or whatever of who knows we're not going to go into that then. I know we're not going to go. It's not going to. Go into it. But did have been learning lessons of be specific to the universe. So like even if you think you're specific, you need to be more specific. You could always be more specific about that show. Best show, I will show your Apple TV. I can't remember the name of it now. And they were going into those doors and he was trying to get home and it was like all the mini of him. Did you ever finish it? What was. And that's not severance, is it? No, it was the one that he had created this box was it called rocks and created a box that he can walk in. And when they would take this drug, they have to think clearly about where they want it to be and it will open the door to New World. I haven't. Watched that. I got to go in. I watched it because I. Think I was watching episodes at your house, but I was trying to catch this. You were okay? Yes. No, I didn't pick it up. man. Okay. watch it. But really, the basis of that is this box could take you to any types of worlds, but it was all you. All you end up in the same space. So they were all technically Chicago, so different multiverses of Chicago, and it was all about how you felt. So it was like, if you're feeling sad, you might open up a Chicago that's like underwater. If you were feeling, like, overwhelmed or if you were feeling elated or happier. Like you just had to really focus really hard about the intention in your mind and how you felt all the way from mind to heart to get back to where you want to be. So it was all about the journey of this man getting back to his family. But his other ultimate son was the one that created the box and kidnaped him in the first place. And then it was also about how every choice you make splits into another reality. So like me choosing to walk to the left of this hallway. Isn't. That a different person or a different that to go to the right and that every decision to split off into multiple versions of me infinitely. Right? So it's pretty cool. It is very interesting. Especially it's so interesting. All right. So I was like one of him, you know, ended up doing Mary and his wife and one of them did it, you know what I'm saying? And the one that did it was like, Why do I fucking miss this opportunity? So he's trying to steal the life of one that did, you know, like it's so it was so much fun because he made that decision. Now multiple of him are making smaller decisions to Wow, crazy. That's a lot. Okay, that's a lot. But I thought it was great and was like. Should I watch it on shrooms or No, Is it too much? yeah. Yeah. If you feel like you can focus on shrooms, definitely do it. Yeah. Because when I'm mushrooms, I especially when I'm at home, I like to sit and just have something on. Yeah. And just like, not like I don't like to get on my phone and do know that stuff. So that's like the perfect time for me to like maybe. Something on a psychedelic cell phone. We like it. So fucking weird. I'm like, Okay. Yeah, the colors are weird. I'm wondering if this shit is short circuiting or something. Like it'd be a lot in my arm already feel funny now I'm like, my God, is that radiation? Like, I just thinking. I'd be doing it too. But let me think about this. It like that's why I don't. I try not to hold my phone like I'll keep it on a table and, like, type like I like I'm using a fucking typewriter some shit like as we think about the ways in which these devices are slowly killing us. One that too, I think also like digital stuff is already so much for our brain to even be interacting with it. That makes sense. And so like when we're on psychedelics, the brain's like, Look how fake this shit is, you know, like it's just fucking floating shit. And this mirror as thing so weird. This shit is a lot. Technology is something, as I tell you. I say you well, this, it, this. I think that's pretty much my life until this point. I mean yeah. Minus some fun details. We we'll leave that for another time. Yeah, I guess so. But yeah. That's pretty much it. So maybe we'll go to our second that we get to you or you. Want to go next or second set. Okay. So this next one is going to be Kyoto hydrogen addition. K This is one of the things that I decided to buy and bring home from Japan. Shout out to Kyoto. They are part of high road spirits, so shout out to Jin who hooked me up. Sorry, Kyoto Jin or Kyoto spirits. This guy Kyoto cannot be its cannot be found. It could not be Sorry. Kyoto can never. Be is cannot be them. And nobody. Can nobody Jin out of Kyoto, Japan got it. And they're part of high road spirits, which is Jin. She actually gave us some bottles one of our episodes before for us to taste. So that was really, really awesome. But this Jin was. They were so awesome and it was amazing time we traveled from Tokyo to Kyoto for the day and I mean, hung over as well. Like, I want to think I slept. I think I slept on a toilet like, My God, drug I. Was. And then all I heard was banging on my doors. I was like, I think I had already showered or somehow fell asleep until I don't know, I got dressed. We made it to our train because the train, like the bullet trains are like. they like. Really like they're. Like $300. Yeah, yeah. We're like, get used to it. Yeah. It took us like 2 hours. It was like a two hour trip. Felt like a far distant distance and. Yeah, so we couldn't waste the tickets because the tickets were supposed they weren't like cheap tickets. So we're like, No, we're not going to miss this. And Jin has set this all up for us. And this is a this is a distillery. It doesn't take people to their facilities. They have a gin house in like downtown Kyoto. So people go there to do tastings and learn about the gin. But they never they don't really take anyone to go actually see the still and all the different botanicals up close. So that was really, really fun. So when we went, we came back and we went to the house of Jin House Economy and this is where they showed us like all that they have six different maceration that they blend together to make their base cannot be gin, which is a part of this. And then in this one are age. This is Asian X kill. Come on single malt cask, which I think is a scotch. I'm going to. That's fun. So yeah I'm going, I'm look up kill comb. And. Scotch. Japanese gins. Yes. So super, super dope. I should know more. There's a little more in the bottle. Let's see. Who. Tell you what. The nose is really soft. I like that. Nice. So pioneering collaboration between Kilkenny Distillery and the Kyoto distillery sees canopy. Kyoto dry gin is in barrel barrels firmly. You so much o formerly used of mature allies, single malt scotch. Okay, cool. So I went from Kentucky to Scotland to economy really monitored by our distillery team. The gin has been carefully matured to the point where the sweetness and peat smoke are perfectly in harmony with the original botanical great oak. This one you recommend enjoying an eyeball or in a smoky martini? I like that. That sounds delicious. I have been having a lot of fun with dirty martinis lately at home. Nice. Like, just playing around with my brines and stuff. Yeah, I've been doing that recently. I've been doing a split bass of olive brine, pickle brine and pickled jalapeno brine. So for, like, for my for my martinis at home, I'll do three quarter of brine in like a splash of vermouth and then like two ounces ish gin. Yeah. So I've been doing a quarter ounce each of my three brine. Nights as. My, as my 15 is in the martini. And it's been so good. Kind of obsessed with some feta stuffed olives. Okay, That's the feather stuff for me. You know, there's no bars. Don't have better stuff on there. It's just it's just own for the stuff I. Prefaced with that. Make this. At home. Okay. I didn't say I was going to allegory. Please. They're going to ask that later. For the first time. I don't ask. Nobody is what I'm saying. Don't go anywhere. I ask anyway, for friends of ours do have that. Everything is blue cheese. I've never seen a friend of. Mine have seen it at a bar. But it's had some elaborate olives now. Yeah, but basically because they have whatever it is, they do like a big emphasis on the martinis there or whatever. And so then they play it around with, All right, if you go into a bar where they're getting real foggy with they martinis. Then okay, go ask her. Or like, say is Nope. look at you crazy. look, I agree. I don't know. You know what I mean? Worse things have happened. So. Exactly who am. I to tell you how to cure? Rachel gets her. smells great. Yes. This nose is beautiful. I mean, it just is. This gives trees outdoors, woods, pine. All the even like it's going to sound weird. Like there's a certain crisp ness that, like. Green tea. Yeah. And, like, I guess back to what you were saying. It's like the crisp air, like blowing through trees. Like type of type of air. Yeah. Just nice and woodsy and soft. It's nice to have both, because sometimes woodsy can be a little too punchy, especially with jeans, because if there's a heavy emphasis on that Juniper. Right. Immediately you just smell pine needles. Exactly. And this is definitely not that. A little lemon. Lemon. Oil. Lemon oil, even lemon pith. Yeah. Like the white part. my God. The palette. Yes, I do want this in a highball. Like right now. That would be so refreshing. Right now. They're correct about the blend between the peat and the like. Botanicals. Yeah, the comes right at the end is would be amazing in a highball, because it just kind of reminds you of, like, a Japanese. Was he Scotch whiskey in that really bubbly refreshing mix of like soda water and then. Like a nice lemon. Zest like. Yes, refreshing, refreshing, refreshing. Yeah. That's it. All fucking year like. You have is in a gimlet. I wouldn't be mad. I haven't. No. On, like, a little line with my smoke. No soda water now. Really. Downtown either. Call yourself pom pom pom. I'll drink. all right. Yep. We don't have everything at home because I don't work out a bar. It's like I still want the same cocktail. So definitely. I know you're really going to still cocktail in the house. I want to be like, Yo, yo. You want. To see what tastes. Like You bought in full time, though. Yes. So it's different. Six times like you. Good. I might be able to mix it with that Monterey sparkling Marty over there. That might. Be really to with. What's the flavor of that? The Marty Marty is like a like a tea form, like caffeinated, very high caffeinated. Okay. So the kind of green is very dry. It's not sweet at all. So. nice. I actually would be pretty. Good with some. You know. Yeah. Ice cream. Girl. I going to give me back some clear ice breath. Like, can we run it back when you was delivering to the house. Bitch, Because I was going to be one of your most regular clients. Like I was ordered to Stanley over, Call it. my. She's too busy, child. And I've been holding on to these fears since. 20. 21. That was in my Cocteau video, and I was like, Judge, you made me and not my eyes. That's because I was holding all that as shit since 2012, right? So all the chips, ice chips, some rounded it, but I was not about to sit there. Chip away at that bitch. It was breaking so I was like, fuck it. But that was about from Ice Queen circa 2012. Yeah. I was like, Damn, this is say I've been holding on to this chip for so long because she will deliver. No more unless you like. A big account. Yeah, that is hilarious. I can't be Sarah. Not to be, but. I get them right lot in, like, my clear eyes as. To, like, I just want certain grocery. Stores to have them to do, like, giant spheres. They're clear. They come in like a bag. Like, like spheres. I really want the high ball ones. yeah. I like to assume because, like, yeah. I got my two by two molds and I'm fine with that. Like, I don't need them to be clear. I mean, it'd be nice if they were clear, but I got my most. But I rather have, I guess, find them on. Final. Source and there's way more people doing ICE now than just her. People started to kind of do their own thing. They're not doing it at, you know, probably the same capacity, but that might be the good the good thing. Yeah, that's true. what's been up there was one or two that. Was really fucking good. Yeah, it was. Hey. Well, yeah, it has been. A very interesting year, honestly. A very bittersweet year, because I, as insane as my year has been, I still am not of the sentiment that like, like it's all bad I guess like so just to kind of round it out for y'all, I have been processing three deaths in a divorce. Yet. Since really says December of 23. Yes. Is when it kind of like year and then separation. January death, February death, April and just yeah all the things kind of snowballed. So with that, I've been keeping it very low key. Ish. Aside after the fact that I've also been just traveling like every other week, pretty much all goddamn spring summer. And so that's been very great. But life has been life and shit out. Of me all. Hints why I was not. Rushing to record anything. Because it was just not making no sense. I had to sell a house, move houses, did little things. things. And in the midst of that, still managing to travel. I didn't do any international travel this year, but I was bouncing around these fucking United States 100. Percent every week. And that's actually been fun. Yeah, I've been. Enjoying my little domestic travel. Yes, that has been great. I'm definitely getting back outside internationally 2025. So yeah, not playing, no games about that next year. But yeah, this is my first year doing my birthday. Like here this I mean I've done domestic my birthday, but this is my first I'm doing my birthday here in D.C.. Yes, actually so but yeah, that has been just the quick cliff notes of what's been taking over the majority of my year this year and what has been my contribution to being pulled away from recording. But like I said, all in all, I am relatively unscathed. I think I have gotten to the point where I know when it comes to like the grief, the grieving piece of it, I know that that's just not a process that's ever going to end. And so I'm not holding on to like, I can't wait. I don't feel this anymore. I can't wait to this. It's like, honestly, this is never going to, like, officially pass right? That is just something that lives with you. And so I've just been focusing on how to live with the feelings instead of like trying to find a way to get rid of them. 100%. And so, like anybody who I like don't see much, I never, like, talked to or interacted with or whatever is like, wow, you seem to be like, okay, like, and just kind of look at every like an alien because I guess they're expecting me to, like, break down in tears every. Time I bring up what it's like with. Crash out with the things that you. Lash out. But like. I guess I don't see what that's. Going to do. Like on that too. You also have like so many beautiful things blossoming in terms of like. Career. Path forward and clarity about what you want to do and like how you want to move with your own brand would still box these things right there, like having something to feed creativity and beauty and joy while all these other things is what life is about, right? Yeah, yeah, that's very true. And I like one thing that tragic would definitely show was who for you who's not 100%. I have been very, very. Blessed to. Learn that everybody that I have chosen to be my chosen family and all of my actual family to be like yeah, particularly the lesson I've learned with like my chosen family, my friends and stuff is that I make great choices. And people. Yeah, I was like, yes. My tribe is 1,000% okay. Like, I'm so grateful. Yeah, that's actually the only part that makes me emotional. well, we love you, girl. We love you. I love you her down. We love the fuck out of you. And I've definitely learned a lot about me. Not at all. Which is one of my love languages you. Can not play about. Me. Okay. For so. Yeah, but no, that's been like a really, really great takeaway. Yeah. And so even just going through all the stuff, like I feel okay ultimately. Yeah. Because I have a really strong foundation. Great. Yes. And those things good. So that's hard to write. Like you're like, what do you say? How do you do it? Like just being here, being able to be. Present, just showing up, just coming to my house to sit on a couch. Yeah. Just like. Or just invite me over to just sit on a couch. Just give me outside for a drink or just whatever. Just. Just being present. Absolutely has literally been all I've needed because outside of it, like, I'm not really a person that's super like, needy for much like, so I didn't even know what to ask for, right? To be honest, yeah. If I was just left alone devices, I would just be in the house. Right? Like or if I'm traveling, just be in my hotel room. Right. And like, just isolate. But like, even even my, like, people who I can call now, friends who are just looked at more as like, work associates or whatever before, like just throughout the year have checked on me or if I've told them anything about what's been going on, they like, you know, just kind of held me a little closer or whatever or just invited me out or just, you know, anything. That's great. And that was very nice to to see kind of happen to cause you don't know. What to expect, like 100%. Not like people used to be as my wife and as then there and all that and just, you know, the conversation being super light. But one thing I wasn't about to do is fake, right? Like, I'm about to spill my gut cinnabar. But at the same time, like, I was very honest about like if, if the question was, how are you? Like. Okay, like, and I'll be. Honest, either you care to ask for me to elaborate or you know, and I find either way. Exactly. And so that's been nice to see that I've kind of like also strengthened some like newer friendships. To just. People just showing up because that's what they felt to do or just because they cared about me 100%. So that has been very nice. So it's it's made it easier for me to just go through the process of all the things. And so I have. Any new friends? Yeah. Have you made any new friends you like? Because it's easy to put someone in the associates category, but like friend is a different thing. Like, have you bonded more with anybody over like your travels because you done a lot. Of work travel. Too. So you've come across some of the same people. You already kind of intermingle with an industry, but don't necessarily kick it with, you know. Don't think I felt like I got in closer to like L.A. this year, but meet it through Princess. One of my favorite ones this year was me in L.A.. Getting closer. Hey. Hey, girl. Some you girl. Yes. I love you. If was nearby. Soon, let us know. Yes. Princess and Greg Long like we've been. I mean, because we worked so much together. But now, even though we're not working so much because I travel a lot now, we're still talking. We're still trying to figure out like me and Princess about to do, pop up in London. I got me and Greg shout out, Wow. Thought we weren't going to be able to make it pop up happen. And then a brand came through and now going to sponsor me. And great to be in Puerto Rico. Cocktail week. So it's like, you don't say. It's like, you know, I'm. You know, I met, but I didn't even realize that was in November because I've been wanting to go back to Puerto Rico. Yeah, but. You told me that obviously, as a must. Have something going on in November. But if so, now I know for next year to just actually plan it on my calendar. Because that twice a year I think I would do it like early in the year and then November. Okay. And the only reason why I. Ended up going was because JetBlue fucked up and the only place I was really going was fucking Puerto Rico, because all the other places I need them to go, they stopped servicing those areas for some fucking reason. So it's annoying. Yeah. So I was like, and they were of course giving no money actual back. So I had to buy. I had to use a credit. Yeah. Speaking of, I needed. So actually I. Think the flight that. I bought my Air Canada card, I went for it. But yeah. Child Yeah, we're going now. Super excited for that. And yeah, this has been a very international year not I think about it Yeah and I hope it never stops You. Been. So bilateral and back level girl. Citizen of the world you will both be on went to Japan he went to Spain, went to Aruba. And I can't wait to go to. Like Portugal or something like that. I think he's been bouncing around. I didn't know I had Aruba this year. I was. I know. And I want to go back to. Your place and I haven't this year. Okay. That's why I want to go to. Puerto Rico once a year type of thing, to Peru have. Yeah. So so I was I've gone this will be my fourth time going to Puerto Rico now. So like yeah I was it been the rupture year last year was that last year. That was last year. Yeah. Yeah. I want to do, I want do Puerto Rico. I want to go and stay. I've gone twice but both times was be a cruise. Well okay, I guess. So I haven't gone in like slept in Puerto Rico actually. Like get to do the things full day type shit. So. Yeah, yeah, we're. Going to need the record. Yeah, I love that. What else got going on? A girl. Attempted a date. In this cesspool that is. That is called the mating side. Shall I have attempted. An app or two? Both are very lackluster. Good. I would try to tell you. If there's a line on these trees. I read this garbage chart. Like this is correct With that in the back of your mind. Yeah. there you go. This. But no, I'm not even going to shadow the apps because fuck them. Does. I mean, I've. Gotten some someday. Super cool. Most so lucky I won't. Be seeing you again. Only one. So far. So I would actually consistently go spend time with. Yeah. And so that's cool. I don't, I don't know what I'm doing. Like, I don't know. I don't know. I thought I knew what I wanted, but now that I like, I'm still not even really fully being. Met with everything that I want. So that's I don't know what I do know what I want, but I just don't. Know. What it's going to look like when that's actually presented to me. I'm just very cute. All of my telescopes, which. Keep telling me that there is somebody lurking in like just waiting somewhere, like either. Like regretting what? Like didn't move further or just whatever or like, is secretly, like, keeping these feelings for me to themselves or, like, not saying anything. Stop being a creep. Jesus. That like. I was like, okay, universe. Can you please bring me some clarity because I don't like the. Idea of somebody just like. That's what people do. That's, that's been weird to me. Like on about a. Sermon that we like this alien, whatever that he was like, you know, we met this place and all that. Like, didn't really just be. Just hard not to fill. In. And then two or three years later, what, to be flirting like, I was like a radar. Like, yeah, he was on my radar for four years. He like, why would he have just been. Looking for. Something? You can't see me over here? Just asking. No, of course they don't know. They know, and that's the problem. But yeah, it's very weird. So like, well, hopefully they love your lurking in. And also listen to the podcast. How about don't be weird and just say some. Things creep. In. Say, okay, we are people that can take for just come to the front. Okay? Just be direct. Be direct. Very direct. So yeah, I'm Mike and I'm. Honestly tired of having to be so fucking direct, to be perfectly. Honest. I'm tired. I'm tired, but it's cool. And, and then when you are. Direct, they will tell you you're not direct and they be confused. Or if you're direct, they some people would take that. Most of the response I'm going to do. Well like we talk like that. But the rest of it has been like trying to feel out if I'm like upset in some way. Yeah. And it's like, no, first of all, you can't upset me. Secondly, no, I'm just being very direct and clear. Yeah, really, I'm being very clear. Yeah. I'm not talking in circles. I'm not looking for a way to make it comfortable for you. I'm not looking for words that seems softer than others or whatever. Like, I'm literally just saying what I think. What I feel. What's happening for me. Yeah, You can take that or leave it. Yeah, I'm unfazed. Either way. It's kind of like my whole energy right now. Yeah. I mean, I'll see you that time. Like, you know, someone doesn't come, like, right away right now, for that is checking all the boxes. Yeah, time to figure it out. Like I said, it's like it's. It's definitely just be like specificity that needs to happen. It's like you think, you know, and then it pops up to me. Like, the universe has just been too extreme for me. Too extreme is correct. I mean, when I'm in the car, when I'm thinking about these qualities stuff now, yeah, I'm. Like saying the stuff out loud to the universe. Like, okay, I like assertive. Maybe not aggressive, right? But I don't like passive. So we don't go with assertive, right? It I like assertive in a way of like because I don't like well maybe think about that because I had a moment in a car on the way here. I don't like combativeness. Yeah, I don't like this. It's just looking for a fight. I'm like, great. But I also don't like too passive a lay back either. Agree? Because then there's a lot that you're just not saying yes. And so I really need somebody who's assertive and very clear in their communications. Yeah. Without it needing to be like where we're butting heads about something or where you saying what you feel ultimately what you're saying is I try to make you feel that way. Like that's where the competitiveness, like, comes into play, right? Instead just acknowledging that something has made you feel a way. No, you did this, did it? It it didn't work. That's never work. My tolerance level is nonexistent at this point, right? So do. Not go get very. Far. Be like that at all. So I was being real specific in the car today, just throwing this shit out to the universe. You know, filtering. Next to. You is going to be super specific. Back. This was like, God, I mean, like you had to take me this literally. Also got a lot of other shit that I. Didn't ask for. So what are we talking about? Right? And it's like, we can't. We can't build a bear. This I'm trying to with the universe, I'm. Trying to be like, shit. I'm trying to combine what. I want with what universe knows. All right, it. Let's find them. Let's find the middle. Well, we'll see you. So we'll see. I thought that I was potentially going to be into, like, someone older or whatever. Then I had a little, like, glimpse of what it may be like today. Some older. I mean, just a glimpse because everyone's different. But he was just like, is it? He was a bit too slowed down like, I'm a homebody, you know, but to slow down. But I don't want to talk every day about tree trimming orchids and shit. Like that's just not that's not the right. So yeah, I got a big. Christmas. But I'm very I'm also very good in my age group though because it's a coin now career and and money part is not necessarily an issue with our age group right right. We were kind of forced to jump out there so not worried about that part. It's but it's the emotional maturity part, the emotional regulation of it all. And then the fact the social media piece of it on the like dependance on the Internet and the ability to just be swayed by what's popular or just what's done or whatever. Yeah, whole lot. That part is like ill. Yeah. So millennial view. I like I. Don't have much of that which is really. That is so that's. I'm coming across with. It Yeah. It's just like. You know you women's. That shit the. Fucking the ones who listen to the toxic. Podcast. And the fuck it just that whole brand of nigga is very rampant on the air. Yeah. And it's like and they're also the same. They want to small talk you to death. But then if you don't play into the small talk every day, the W words in the Good morning beautiful. How's your day going at 11 a.m.. Sir? Good morning. How's your day going at 11 a.m.? You're not getting a response. That was the laziest thing you could have ever said to me. Because why the fuck. You ask me how my day is going? It's not even noon. You don't know that. I'm up at 530, that's all. You know, I could have just rolled out of bed, right? That's how my day's going. that. I don't like you. They just started the day. Just dying. Of it. So that's it. And I was like one of them. Because everybody was upset. Five. Well, I was like, you know what? Just because this. Is so dumb, I'm going to make you feel dumb. As it were. Still pretty early, but so far so good. And that still would be nice. Yeah. They're like, yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah. It's like they don't know what else to say. But that's the problem, right? Then don't date. If you can't converse, don't date. I'm sorry. I mean, honestly. Like, you got to be able to talk about something of substance. Something, anything. Anything And it can be random. It can. Be random. It doesn't know. You don't have to know me deeply to get to know me. Agree and asking. How my day is going is not a way to get to know me. Yeah, because small talk and I'm a treated like small talk. Same with the. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good night. Small talk. And then. On the opposite end of that are the men want to get your number right away and try to wrap you up on a phone which makes my skin. Itch because I'm like well they talk about I don't know, I'm not getting on the phone with Nick, so I can't tell you. I was like, You don't know me from my canapé. You was. What are we getting on the phone with you? I get my number because when I was on the apps, I just wasn't I don't have my notifications on. So that's something if I wanted to talk to you. All right. I had to turn it on because I was like, It's missing. So yeah, but I also. Did want to get my numbers up. You just turn these fucking double cases. All right? I'll let them at least pop up a little better, and then they go away. So I had to find my little middle ground because I was like. I'm not giving all you takes whenever I can not have all. You do except my numbers. Well, a lot of. Them would die so quickly. So I was like. Which is why I didn't want to give out my number because it's like, I don't want you to just be having my name on your phone. We don't even talk. Like I know for what you should even have the privilege of being able to reach out to me again. Yeah, I was like, No, this is not going to work. Then I started to give people my Google voice number that's like a little extra filtration. So if it dies off, okay, you get my Google voice. It's it's fine. That I worried about you don't have my actual for that so. I've given them out like whatever it one guy pulled up went to do that and talked to and we went to the liquor store. I was like, okay, I will go inside real quick, grab some real quick getting there. I just want to was like, What's that? How you doing on my own? Good, Whatever you know, he's I am like a beautiful or he's like, you know what? I got to drink. So you bought my bottles and is like, your number? I was like, Yeah. You got my drink number you way. He's like, Well. I asked you say if I can get you if, if you can give me a number, I'll pay for your drinks. I said, no, Waze came. I never, ever not know where he. He's like, All right, I'm. I hit you out. Okay, good bye. I was like, I'm not sure he might have hit me up. I don't know who he is. I don't realize they have his numbers. So that's welcome to Larry and Amit. We'll just ask for your number. Not even use it. Yeah, exactly. Just like. And the block is so easy. Like a block. A call is what I said. I've had to block a couple people. If I get. Because they like were like this one did. I had to block him because he was like he was texting me relatively regularly or whatever, but was like just real dry. Like every response was dry. It was like to be worth he's like, steady texting me. So I'm like. Do you want to have a. Conversation or don't you? Because you're giving me these very conversation ending responses, right? And I'm not the type I'm to is not I'm not going to be pulling teeth to get you to actually express. Right. And so if he gives me a bike driver sponsor, there's nothing I can really say back to it. I just lead the conversation where that he'll like pick it back up or whatever, like a day or two later. And one time he missed me and was like, so like a morning or something like that. And I was like, You must think I'm boring lol. Cause I don't know. Boring is the word, but you don't really give an indication you used it in any real conversation. So I just don't engage right? And I left it at that. Like, do you think this is do you think your one word response is? A It's supposed. To be. Enticing. Yeah. Like is again, I'm not carrying the conversation so and I'm in I'm reason I'm so adamant about it is because I found myself doing that before we're like because I'm a naturally inquisitive person and I'm a conversationalist. I don't have to have conversation and I'll ask questions and whatever, whatever. But if you're not doing it, I'm does not know I'm letting the men, women and lead. And if you lead me down a dry path, you're going to be left there alone. That period. And that's just how I'm going. So he was like me. How can we have a real conversation? I mean, I don't be like in a text like that. Did it. Suck? Okay. Especially the most you typed the into me. Correct? Because I'm not getting on the phone to talk to a person. We don't have a rapport already, right? Because I already. Don't. Say that. There's still not saying nothing on the phone. The that's my point. We don't have the poor already. Right. So I could trust getting on the phone with. You if we already have engaging conversations via text or audio messages, I like audio messages as a nice little transition or whatever. I'm into all of that, you know, just jumping on the follow me to. I'll just wrap it up my. Motherfucking time, my personal. Time that I even have to be on the phone with somebody. I might spend it on the phone with you. Right? That's my time to be at peace. Yeah. And so he had this little attitude, he kind of response or whatever. I left it. And then he follows up. Like a day or two later with a text or whatever, and I forgot how to conversation. Well, you know what? He says something. And I think he had attempted to, like, reach out to me to actually set up like a date or something like that. But at that point I. Wrote him off. Yeah. And so I was like, really? Like, I was I was like, Really? I'm surprised you even hitting me up right now. He's like, What? You mean? It was like. Well, the way it was, it was the next day because I was like, the way you spoke to me yesterday, conversation pretty much done for me. Yeah, it was done for you through it. So he was. Like, No, I just was about to be going back and forth that I had to work. And then I was like, well, not sure why you thought there would be any back and forth. Because it was clear that like, let's call it a conversation when one exchanges words with another. I don't. Know where it would have became a back and forth because I. Don't go back often, but nobody I'm not fucking. I just don't do it. I don't do it because a back and forth me, there are some feelings behind it. We went back and forth. Yeah, sure. Me having a conversation is a different. Thing. Right? And so I was like, I don't know where you got that from, but no, absolutely. It looks like we just have very different communication styles and that's perfectly fine, right? Wish you the best. And I blocked him. Yeah. And I left. Not doing is not doing it That goes down Arapaho. Well talking about tender days attended conferences so I bet there was a person online making songs out of bad tender conversations. And I'm going to play you. My favorite one. I love it. Okay. Kind of doggies. This is so when I was a space sassy in the same restaurant, I was well, you simply exciting. No, no. Know what do you want us to sit? It's okay. Same three days I did, and I hope you feel fine. Now, look. Not really. we got hit by a car. Just like that shit. I know by now. Because I can't get my head, so I keep it. And I have been watching it, like, five times a night. So what kind of dog is that you hip? Yes, it was one of them. Yep, yep. Was real specific and said, I know the whole thing. That is fucking good. There is. I didn't follow him because that's actually great. Yeah. This is hilarious. So funny. Like, what are we talking about? Like, well, another one. This is sort. so. Jen is so good. You wait. So. So what was the T? Okay, okay, here we go. Do you listen to these? Which is do you smoke crack? Do not this week he chose for the girls. Hilarious things up next Me. my God. I would like to please speak to her next week. my God. We're definitely sure this deadly Sarah. These leaks we just sent a link to his blog about it. So funny. This is another one. Where do you smoke crack? That's a new one. I do not. Can you? Unmatched, please ease. Well, So you're are here. Looking for people. You smoke crack. Got it. That's very wild, though. Like as a little matter if you've made it, but you're on a dating app casually asking people if they smoke crack as if it's the eighties. It crack is like the thing to do anymore. Like, okay, ask somebody. Do they do nothing? Okay, that's a little less alarming. That doesn't mean you like to party, do you? Do you smoke crack? Do you have a real problems? Yeah like smoking crack? Because that's what did you casually do. Like on a dog. Is that I think that smokes crack. Okay so we're moving on to John. Say is whiskey, sir Dave. So do these. Yeah. What's the deets on this like? So it might. Be actually on the back of the bottle. Okay. What I have known talked to some of the people that I am Georgia-Pacific. Lee. I believe it's high barley rye whiskey. Yes. Finished in sherry cast? Yes, but high barley in the mash. So I like. That. Okay, So what's the barley content? Malted barley, You know, I don't know exactly. Ooh, I don't have numbers. Cameron, tell us the mash. We know, you know. They're keeping it proprietary. And I think that they don't. Tell us the best. We won't tell it, right? I believe they MGP cannot make something like this. Anyone else? yeah, of course. Not for a certain amount of years or so. So yeah, so that's what we got. Going up to MGP for getting that one. That's cool. Yeah. I mean, they are like the biggest contract distiller out here, right now, I think. So. Bartell coming from Sparta, he is. First of all, you got to see the faces, make it as the girl in the house. Make you just watch the video. Okay, guys, I. Don't mind if I do a match. You and there's a one that he does where this girl, this guy was like, you seem to chill on the girls. Like, Yeah, like. So do you like so, like, what do you do for work? And he's like. That's why I don't fucking come on these days. He, like, freaks out. I actually actually do. For work. Yes. I'll play for you as it is. I try to play areas I actually have. Okay, So yes, I'll do that. We always get I'll talk about. Right. Okay. So. Okay so cherry rye berries. It content in sherry casks. Yeah, definitely a lot of berry also like almost 1000 like berries and cream berries. A creative a creaminess. Yeah, for sure. There's like that you can tell there's more barley in this. Like you can almost smell the barley. Yeah. Okay. Some honey of some sort. Yeah. Has like that. Vanilla. Yeah. So I tell people all the time for me, a quintessential like American whiskey, especially like a bourbon or rye always has this glue smell to it. I'm not really sure what that is like. Elmer's cool. Yeah. Like. And there's so many different things, like Maker's Mark. Smells like it. Like that to me. What for? Raspberry. Smells like that to me. Like these. Kind of. Like, just like this is what people probably count as American. Like, whiskey Styles always has a hint of. Which probably. Comes from either the grains or the earth, because those are the only things that like have to be consistent, right, So to speak, is like obviously the grains that you're using matters in terms of what is being classified as. But also you have to use American oak. Right. And it's not a bad thing, right? Like you, if you've been watching, like we say these things that could possibly like I started off with the salt also mustard, right? So like right. It's not bad that it's not just for me. It's like a marker that this is America. Right? Right, exactly. Exactly. Okay. Yeah, Maybe some kind of. Like, corn pops. Feel. Yeah. I don't know. There's corn in this at all. Well, point out, but. Right. Food for. Sip was. Nice. All right, here we go. let me off for a second. I didn't have any expectations for this whiskey. I have to, like, remove all of my pessimism with celebrity brands in advance because I tend to go in expecting to be unimpressed at. The shabby. You. Know, not shabby at all. I love that Chocolaty Coffee. No. Yeah. Some pepper, the fruitiness a little. Maybe That's it. Maybe Sherry is coming through. It's coming through with this. Like, I was going to say, I feel like this is going to more. So come through in, like, that kind of coffee essence, maybe some nuttiness. Definitely not fruity on the palate like it is on the nose, but the berries and cream is not happening about. It's got your caramel. Kind of a black pepper thing happening. Even some of that, like Rowhani, like honeycomb. You know. Kind of earthy, kind of floral, but light. Yeah. I mean, it's nice. It's easy to. Cherry. Yeah, sure. That couple that you sent me that was reviewing this, I don't know why their faces were so scrunched up. No, I don't know why. I just don't think they were really there. No whiskey. Drink. I just don't believe. People who really say I'm whiskey person. Yeah. They're not for they know. Jack, they know Jameson. They might know Woodford they think they might fancy when he got some liver job. If they call a little buffalo, trace a little Blanton's. I'll mess with them. Yeah. Chas, please. No, we. Also, like, we've had allowed this kind of sit and have kind of opened up. Yeah. Has that's had an era, so. Who knows how long they might have had. That's that does to me make a difference for sure and spirits in general. But I feel like if you don't really drink enough of a certain category of something, don't get all like giving your fucking opinions about it. So who cares about your opinion about it, right? You're not somebody that can trusted to give an objective opinion, right? Is super subjective to the limitations of your own palate. 100%. And it's counterproductive. And it's a waste of content. It's just waste. It's a waste unless your attitude is just be. Well, wasn't funny either. So yeah, but you want to. Engage me. Because it's a hot topic right now. And so yeah, but like it, you know, your opinion is. So not needed. Yeah. And yeah, I just found it to be weird. Like she says she wasn't a whiskey drinker, but you're sitting here reviewing a whiskey for what feels like just a bit. You just sit and let your man talk. If he's a whiskey person, just support your neck. Then what is great for those who are Beyonce fans who may not be whiskey drinking? I think you just don't really enjoy this because very approachable. Yeah, it's a very approachable premium whiskey, you know, and I think that is great to have. The bottle is beautiful as so presentation the packaging it came in for me was gorgeous. Yeah yeah. So yeah. Yeah it's beautiful. I mean, I'm definitely going to get a couple bottles wholesale, keep it on my bar. You know, it's, it's gorgeous and our support. But yeah, if you know. You're not whiskey drinkers. Stop viewing whiskey. That's all I got to say to the people. Yes. The palate, buttery. Texture and the power. To the nose is very exciting. Yeah, it is. And then the palate is very, like, approachable, for lack of a better word. That's the word I got for approachable. It's good. It's all. It's all using cocktails, which are naff. I was paying retail for I was not using cocktails. Well, that's not true because I don't believe you. Just because something is expensive that you shouldn't use it in cocktails. So I take that back. Good. I'm like, I would not pay for this. I don't have a whiskey, General. All right. I'm certainly not going to the store to grab this. No. And that's not because it's not good. It's as you all saw, I just don't pay for it in that. And I just. I personally wouldn't pay 101 ten. For. This particular one. No. With the amount of whiskey that I drink at that, that specific price point, compare it to this one, it's just not one that I'm jumping to go to the store to get 100%. But I understand for people who this matters to, you know, like in a different way because I'm a music fan, but for me, this is another celebrity brand. Yeah. And as a celebrity brand, it's better than some of the other whiskeys that I've had. So here, here. For the. Here, here. Shout out to you, Sir Davis team. Yeah, we used to that. Is that I do want to quickly go into the second one since another was here. We want to get the rest of you. I guess we really know what time you want to do it or not, and then go into the next one. Enough with it or not sleeping. Okay, So this is actually just a random thing that we were talking about like about a week or so ago, I think. Yeah, about a week ago. I'm talking about the the tit. What is it that changed? Hold on. Since the tip wage went into law in D.C., at least one survey shows thousand jobs have been lost since then. And so this was particularly in D.C. 4000 jobs were lost. And that's primarily because restaurants and bars are not able to keep up with paying people. I guess at the I don't even know what the wage is now that they have to like. Make or more that add up to like. 15, 17, something like that. An hour. An hour. Okay. And that's with the and that's if they're not having. To so we so tip wage in is the restaurant pays a certain amount of wage so say they pay you $5 $6 an hour. The point is is that the rest of the tips that come in will get you to the minimum wage or more, which most of the time you're going to be averaging, depending on where you were working between $25 an hour to possibly $60 an hour. And that depends on how busy you are. Stuff like that. But if there's any case that for some reason when your your all your tips come in and all your wages come in and your your tips do not add to your hours being the minimum wage, which is like$17 hour, the restaurant will pay you to make sure that you're to make. Up for. Making that $17 an hour. So the DC tip wage was like, well, the minimum wage was like, I don't know, like 12 or some 13, 14 something a few years ago. But the DC, they were paying us like tipping away where you're probably in like two or $3 an hour and then everything else on top of that for places like hotels and other newer places that are being opening by like industry people, stuff like that, you're making like I'm making $12 an hour plus my tips, so or 1250 or something like that. When I was working at I was working at the hotel Ben I was what, 2016, I think I was at 11 hour plus tips, but I was considered great because I was in Georgetown. Yeah. And that was considered that's considered a high tipped wage, which it was. Right. And so, you know, this this law was fought for as it was first. It was called Initiative 86. Thousand 70 something. this is 77. That's I think it was 74. So I can't remember if it was 70. Six, 74 or something like that. And the industry fought against us because, one, it was we. Know. That the forcing of a higher amount of money into our wages from a business structure that does not have that already built into it can either crash and lay us off, crash or make you all pay more for the food that you're getting right or literally put the restaurant out of business. And the biggest concern was, well, why does why can't the you know, why why is this business structure like this? If you know, why could the employees pay the right wage like we don't understand like this? And then it came out that, you know, tipping is very closely linked with slavery. And, you know, it's all it's it's an open door for sexual harassment and all these different racism and all these different things started to try to put itself in this way onto why we need to be making not $2 an hour, but $17 hour. But they didn't say if that was $17 hour plus hour tips. They just wanted us to be making a minimum wage from the business and not from the people coming in. So biggest things about that is that no matter what situation, there always will still be a power dynamic between guest and server. Those power dynamics will always foster a environment for people to sexually harassed and be racist or some kind of is to you. Right. Because of that power that Eric, no matter why you still have to service the guests and make sure the guests are they still have to pay so there's a power thing there. That's where that works out. That will always be with food and drinks like it just will be. Another thing is that there was no guarantee for people. It was for them to like people that aren't in industry. Thought I was like, finally, you know, we won't have to tip because finally the business. That's what I was going to say. That's the part that's like that's the caveat that I think people kind of disregarded to like. Yeah, because initially when I heard about what was like happening or whatever, like. I. Kept any strong opinions kind of removed from it because was no longer bartending full time. So like, regardless of which direction it goes in, I'm not directly affected by it, so I keep my opinions to myself. But I was confused still about why bars not just pay you more fucking money an hour. I want more hourly and my tips. You have me fucked up. That was my only thought about it like this. Just to be making more out here. It is not cheap to live in DC at all. She delivered like. So that part was like I don't get it. But I also know most restaurants are not making profit from the food. And this is what people don't understand. They think that because you all see your checks that you're putting now, that all that money is between. Right. The the owner, the person serving your table. But that's not true. What it is is that restaurants have lots of different cause lines. Not only is it just the rent, but it's also your food. It's also the alcohol. It's also the glassware that you're constantly breaking that we have to constantly by every time where it's the dishware is, you know, it's linen. Labor is laundry. One part of the many lines of cost that continues to make sure that the business has to pay back first before they can even get to a profit. Right. So people are thinking that the profit margins are so huge and it's not like that. This is not an office job where you're pretty much talking about labor and maybe computer supplies and stuff like that, right? And like maybe janitorial service or something. Yeah, like and these are the last. Line, like. You got to actually launder your linen and have, like a service, do it and bring it back like this. It really up down to like the cost of lemons going up. Like keeping your, keeping your licensing, all these sort of things. Make sure other people have licensing, like all these things that have a yearly, monthly, weekly. Cost just to train, not to work. It's just it's it's so much more that goes into where the money goes for restaurants. And I think that's what people just didn't care to look up. Yeah. Because they just constantly the question was why doesn't why if you can't pay your your business structure should fail. But that's the restaurants are not the same as any other. Yeah. It's not the same as any office restaurant like it's just not bars and restaurants just aren't that. Don't get me wrong, there are people that are trying. I personally haven't seen a place stay open who tries to do either no tipping or, you know, full wages to their staff without it, without a lot of different things suffering. You know what I'm saying? Like, I haven't seen a place do it successfully or, you know, and if a place is doing it, you have a lot of automated things right now, you're looking at a lot of QR codes or you're ordering yourself, you're losing that interaction, that experience element of it all, which is also a reason for the losses. No jobs, jobs because. Automated it just like it as taking jobs from a lot of other people. Right Kind of hoping that it wouldn't hit hospitality in that way. But in some ways it is. I mean, obviously they. Give your face. And it's a bit more on a bar, but. You know, for forcing us to pay more now, I had to pay more to less amount to less people. And that's what's going to happen. So like, is your drinks taking longer or your food coming out longer? now I have to pay like 40 bucks for a burger and this types of things. Yeah. So get ready for that. If you if this is what you voted for because you all did. Those who don't work in the industry. Yeah, you all voted for this. This is where the city is going. I was like, my fucking God. I am also like, my God. But this person has to go up. Because not only is it going up for us in real life just in general, because America is just expensive and continues to get expensive as we blink. But means that if it's getting squeezed for you and your grocery stores, it's also getting expensive for restaurants. And when they're buying them wholesale. Right. It's the same thing. All right. So that means their menu prices also have to go up to make sure they're going to pay the higher wage that you voted for instead of you just coming in and tipping. Now, your tip, the same amount of money you were going to put down anyways, just going towards what's already put into the price. And the crazy thing is you actually now having to tip a little more because we're tipping based on percentage if you're tipping, right? I mean if. You still you voted. So, you know. My thing is that's that was what I was going to say, that at least that was my stop. I mean I'm industry so of course I'm never thinking that tip but I did think about that like, that's going to fucking suck if people take this as they're making more hourly so I no longer need to tip like. That's a little like when I was working on Reliable and the shows I had a literally got passed before we got it to be like back to regular. Yeah I got people signing the checks like no tip. Congratulations on a higher wage. like, yeah, like it was a real we did a weird, real thing. So we're losing this 4000. It's just a start. Like, this is just going to happen. And so I am consulting for a new place in Annapolis. I'm very excited for it. But, you know, she's very she feels very strongly for a no tipped restaurant, but it's going to reflect. And the menu. You go to look at the meal. Prices and. Be like, you know. Like it's it's it's going to reflect. So we're going to see how that works. And I'm very excited for her to do this. And I told her I'm like, you are in my eyes a bit of a guinea pig to see. How how it works. How long this is going to be. In New York. They have that I've seen like Gramercy Tavern, one of my I'm actually going to go to Gramercy Tavern when I'm in New York in a couple of weeks. Just for nostalgia's sake is Charlene is want to me to a place but they they're people make like a solid hour I think they even have people on staff as like salary because they've been with them like forever. Yeah. Now Grimsby time has been around forever like that. Chef has been open to restaurants for a really long time. So I think the amount of money that's behind it is just on a different level. And so it it is different based on the history of your restaurant, the type of backing you have. Like you've got to have capital to build that type of structure out. And that's where a lot of people get it confused. Like most restaurants do not have a solid financial foundation right like that to just be building out this whole pay structure that doesn't lean on 200%. That's just not even how the industry was built for you. I mean, and it does I mean, I mean, think about the fucking early early days. I mean, if we're just. Talking like the Tom Bullock era, just to keep it like, real succinct, like. It was only black run bars, right? Or passing out drinks or whatever. Right? Clearly they're not paying your. Fair way, right? So you're relying on what the fuck did won't even feel like paying you in that moment. Right. And they weren't built on a solid foundation of just having a bunch of money to pay seven, did it? And all the things. Yeah, they were barely paying themselves. Right. And so everything that wasn't going back to the business had to go right into the house. So. So yeah, this is hundreds of years hurt. yeah. Just a structure being a certain way and not changing for a very long time. Like. And also the restaurants that I do know, they have that type of stability and that type of financial backing. On by chefs. The only ones I know of. Yeah. Now that I'm pretty sure there are some, some spots I hear Roma people of color that also have a nice backing financially and all the things and that's great and wonderful. I would love to learn about them, but I don't know of many. Maybe like maybe. Kwami Yeah, technically these. Like he's one of the chefs I would think of in terms of like having the right investors to, like, start you in a solid place. Yeah. So that you're not climbing out of a hole just to get in the black. And, and that. And that took a long time for him though. And that menu was wax and you was like that fucking the prices on that motherfucker is crazy. I think there was like a $20 nonalcoholic during Tokyo. Not all drinks. So. And they still got they tips. Correct and they're still tipping. Exactly so well good luck out here. Yeah yeah. You know I get. Most like I'm like I think I, I mean, don't get wrong. It could definitely be done, I'm pretty sure, right? Yeah. The the biggest thing is, you know, people that are dining in like to dine have to understand that that is that money is going to come from you some miles away. Yeah, but it is one way or another. Is that the. Restaurant of, like she said, just this random. Reserve of. Well, yeah, the money comes from the consumer somehow some way that just is how. Hence all these service charges that pop up all these like random fees that are added to the to your final bill or whatever. Either way, you didn't have you it's coming from to like that or just been chill. And just and just tip in. But you know what now. So what happens when you're allowed wrong? Like when? What's this? Why is this what was extra fee. I remember that time. That time I'm you. You wrote it for us. Well, here we are. What is the. Yeah, I think. But I think it's possible. And I understand the relevancy of all the other things, but like, at the end of the day, the consumer to, a person of the restaurant that is always going to be a power dynamic and 1000 between the manager and anything else like this, just these power dynamics exist in our life. Yeah. And that's a hospitality, not even just food and beverage. Like somebody could be working in a hotel making a decent salary. There's still a service dynamic to it that makes that person who's staying at that hotel feel like that person who's working at that hotel somehow owes them some sort of extra. Curtis ness sort of extra courtesy because they're in a position of service. So has less to do with the pay in terms of what creates power dynamics, as much as it's just titles. And one thing is certain one person is providing a service, one person is paying for a service, and that person paying for a service has expectations of that person providing, and it's just always going to be the case. Absolutely. So yeah, Yeah. So we I can tell you, not quite with people losing their jobs because of this one. Yeah. So yeah, I mean that we did. But you know, hopefully they found jobs somewhere else with like 4000 lost since this inception. Like That's not a it's just not okay. And, you know, there's, you know, for I think for a lot for industry people is the fact that like what other industry do you see people voting for how they get paid? And why is it why like, why is it up to you all? But how we get paid, which is also another power dynamic, right? You all think the whole long? Yeah. You all deserve a say into how the how the bar, the food and beverage industry gets their their pay. Yeah. You know what I find myself back then? Are you trying to. Tell us that we're going to eliminate by supposedly getting paid more money? That's which we're not. Also, by the way, this also ensures that people are actually making less money. It's not the more money that we're making. So, yeah, you know. I'm not but it's people are making less money because of this also. Yeah. And it's and it's like in the industry in general, like and I feel like this is more of a thing that I have like just noticed it's covered. It's like where does like employee turnaround come into play? Like if you ever have a turn at your bar or restaurant or whatever, like that gets expensive. Training pay for multiple people on a regular basis adds up a lot actually. And then it's like you want to keep your people who do a great job, but then those people usually wind up looking for something where they make more money and are able to work less hours and all this other type of stuff. I mean, like in, like at, like progression in any industry, obviously you, the more you're into your career, the less hours you really want to have to give up for the amount of money that you need in order to thrive, not just survive. Right? And it's just seems like when it comes to quality staff, it's like not as I mean, this is pretty solid, but there's just so many spots in D.C. where it's not it's just a lot of babies. Yeah. Don't know shit about what they're doing. Yeah. And they're also not being trained properly. NASA's 2020. NASA's 2020 is like. All of our owners. Beverage directors or whatever is Either you have a beverage director who's just kind of thrown into that position because they had one year under their belt, don't really know how to direct anything right. Don't really know how to manage. No one's teaching. You know what it is. So you're not getting trained properly. And it shows in the service, which also then shows in the tip, because for me I'm always tip something. But if I'm not happy on that tip and like I'm happy and I'm not going to tip like I owe you because I don't. And so it's very slippery slope. It's both, but I'm. Also just very intuitive about where I go to. So. Right. That kind of sucks cause it's like I can count on like less than two hands. How many spots are where you're really going and not flinch about what I pay? So that's unfortunate. I want all the spots in the city. Like get everybody. Arizona. yeah. You know, got to get ready to pay for that. We want to go. Out right now. You got to be prepared. That's gonna be like a phone. Bill because this phone this crazy$300 right. Before it's all I know out of all my national travel and all our data. Yes I was you Verizon. Okay so yeah but that's actually not bad Voracek got going wasn't that bad per day. Shit. Right? I my point is actually pretty good. We're like your average like 180. Not on it. On a singular phone. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that's, it's. Very Well I should've crept up to 294. Two phones. Yeah. Like it is. What does it look like. Instant. Here's an extra $10 per phone here. Excuse me. Then the state. Can have a total tech. Statement every motherfucking time I look like I'm putting on my shirt. And now. So. Yeah, Verizon will show you now because I'm sure it's sick getting. Calls, but I'm trying to figure out I'm I bill with this now. Those show you you paid this last of this this month here's what changed low. Key I'm I get 16 soon now. I am contemplating. Yeah well you thinking know I got the 14 for. Max. yeah 14. Yeah. So I didn't realize it The 16 even came out because I said I wasn't switching phones until I wasn't gonna do the fitting. I was switched to whatever the next one was. yeah. And so now we're approaching that but was over I wasn't talking about because it was about to cost me a whole bunch shit more monthly. I ain't on it, but. I know I need to look it because they were like. we'll give. They usually offer you something like you trade your phone in. Yeah, whatever. And you can start whatever some see go. I kind of do want to upgrade but I'm also trying to be socially responsible or not do it. That's what was stopping me from doing a fitting was because apparently we had to stop constantly upgrading our phones because all the mining that they're doing for the shingles in the phone. Well, tell us I made them. I mean, correct. The kind of flagstone. he wasn't making them and just. Make programs to upgrade. My phone. But here's what they're not going to do. Is that because the companies are paying so much money back into the government in order to be able go. To other. Continents and fucking take their resources and take their resources and pay them scraps if they paid them at all in order to mine their own resources just for them to travel across the fucking pond back over here and be used for things like phones and all the other tech shit that gets made right. It's a shitty. Cycle. This is in America's culture is trash. Earth is trash. But still don't blow us up because. It's 120 to bring us. Somebody else. They said. They said something close to that. Bring the media back. I was like. That's Yasser Arafat again. my God. Now somebody is going to ignore these cockroaches. They'll come back. They'll be here. They say, I don't want to be here. We just made some cockroaches. So then I'm like. Shit, I should just. Knock out. Hopefully good people stay. But, you know, power is corruptible, like, Yeah, that's. Our hope. And that's why you have. Power like that. But the way that you do and the consequences and effects. Is I think, I think the concept of power in and of itself implies a certain level of. I do what I want. I do. But yes. Also like. Tell me what to do. No one can tell me no. Exactly. And it's also like there's always going to be someone who wants that power and is willing to do whatever they want or what they perceive that power to give them, and they're willing to do whatever it is to get it. So they're willing to cross anybody, kill anybody, sacrifice anybody. They have everybody has a price. Know when this goes into our further point, let's get into this next thing. The next whiskey. Yes. Okay. So this is going to be coming from Caledonia Spirits. And these are the same people that make baths. okay. I was just about to say, why do I know Caledonia? Yes. that's fun. Yeah. This is Phyllis and her walk in the woods. Rye whiskey. There's going to be a poor cask. Finish 100 proof. Keep that. Bottle. Yes. Let's read the back, shall. I'm so curious, honey. Involved in any of the. Walk in the. Woods series? This floor is the harmony of different cars. Finishes with our signature Phyllis Rye Whiskey blend. Each release is a celebration of rye whiskey Rich. Why Whiskey are a tradition. While looking ahead to new possibilities. This port finish release is a blend of some of our oldest hard work, Distilled Rye that's aged in Vermont Oak, along with some of our favorite rye made at our our Montpelier distillery. Bold Rye spice is balanced. I'm like a but the final rye support wine bottles adding layers of blah blah, blah, blah blah blah blah made 100% from local Vermont grains. This is a blend straight where I whiskey's consisting of 20% six year old, 20% five year old and 60% 2.8 year old whiskey. So this is all rye oak. Nice. I see why they did that. Made the bulk of it. The younger juice? Yes. They told us. That. Love it to work. I don't know if I've ever. Had a whiskey made with grains local. To Vermont. This might be a first for me. yeah, these were my first time. I tasted some wrong when I was there, but I can't remember right now. Nice nose. Heavy on the grains. Yeah, that makes sense. But they're 60%. When they're 60% of something this young in it, you're going to smell those grains. Yeah Well, like your black toast, I think, you know, when I have to. That type of now, my no girl, Karen, she was like, do black. I was like, okay, She's like, It's shiny. It's nice and. Sassy. Yeah. I mean, it's that grain, that cereal, almost bready quality. Also. Maybe grassy. Grassy, for sure. Maybe some chocolate powder of some sort. Yes. Yes. Powder. Yeah, definitely. Like hot chocolate powder or maybe even like, brownie mix. yeah. That's one that I've been catching lately. Like, just taste do so much it finding your different levels of, like a chocolate powder or whatever. Yeah. I've been finding a difference in, like, hot chocolate powder. We're talking Swiss Miss versus, like, my sipping chocolate that I get from Trader Joe's versus, like, fudge brownie mix. Like, very different things for sure. And like, it's very fun finding those little nuances. I think also for me, I was telling this to my class the other day and like smelling and it takes practice for this, but it really is just like when you smell, you see image. Yep. Say it out loud. Yep. Like it's usually what that really. Don't talk yourself out of it. Yeah. And that's how you know that there's these different types of chocolate, right? This different type of cocoa or when it was me. Is it the hot chocolate that has the hot water in already or right in powder form? Because like those of the smell. Or is it the version that your grandma made you with hot milk instead of water? Like, Right. Like different smell, different smells super fun. Okay. A muffin E to maybe even like a chocolate muffin. Yes. Chocolate chips down to the actual like baked muffin itself. Yes. Urgh. So specific and so and so on it. I like that. All right, here we go. There's a, there's a. Fruity component there too. Like a like a overripe red fruit or some kind of maybe raisin. I don't know. Wow. okay. Definitely gives me. This was a sherry Cassia pork. Yes. Okay. I was going to say definitely gives me pork cask finishing for sure. Did the Vermont I don't know what Vermont oak is like. Right. So I think. Kind of where you had. A variation of this that wasn't finished and something just to compare the base, the finished product, because that way we could have tasted what a Vermont whiskey gives without the influence of a different cask. Definitely a dark chocolate, but that's the lingering dark chocolate in some kind of like red fruit. Yes. On the finish. Down. So like and. The reason why that this is because the first few feels and tastes like it's something recognizable to me. Was is probably that Vermont Vermont Vermont quality because it's something we haven't come across yet. On second sip raisin. Yep. I was getting a raisin juice. Wow. Very wrinkly red fruit. Yeah. Yeah. Like, but juicy. Like the juice? Yes. The second sip for me was actually more mouthwatering than the first. Yeah, actually. Like, Yeah, that's good. I'm not mad at it. That port presence is very much there. Yeah. Less grainy in taste on the palate than it is on those rose trays. You know, some of the grain maybe showing up texturally in this. But it's hard to tell what that extra cask finishing for sure It's hard to kind of pinpoint. I feel like if we were just tasting like the base rye, we'll be able to pinpoint more of those things. But no, it's good though. Yeah, I want to compare, you know, texturally it almost reminds me now this might be my brain. Also reminds me of kind of the bar hill old Tom. yeah. There's a certain dropper today. There's a certain, like, weightiness and a certain kind of the essence of like a honeycomb where it's like, it's weighty, but it's not sugary and it like it dissipates, but it leaves you with this kind of essence still lingering on your palate. That makes sense. Like that old Tom there Tomcat reminds me the same. Yeah, in terms of, like, texture and stuff. I told them I'm waiting for more. yes. I want to point out my getting. Your sake break every specialty task that you all. Do. I think. You will. Always talk about it. Yes. Yeah. There's that. Been having a lot of fun with this infinity blend I've been doing at home dried cranberries. Maybe with the little water in it. Splish Splash. I forgot my dropper, but I know whatever it is, eight months now, I don't know if I can draw today. I was right. I need to wash it out, but yes. Cool. Shit. So fun to drink. I actually don't want to stop drinking it. That dries out with some water too. Yeah. It becomes tannic. Yeah. That oak was kind of brings out the port a bit. Yes. I mean, a port was coming through with all that heavy fruit right? I don't know. That's super cool. And it just makes me want to eat a double chocolate cookie. my God. Or like a chocolate. Cake or something. Like it. Yeah. So something really chocolaty Fudge. Super chocolaty. I could even do a. Lot more to be, like, kind like a Yeah, like, like this chocolaty. But it's still not that sweet. Yeah, definitely More dark chocolate. The milk. Yeah, for sure. So nice. I really, really appreciate that. That is fun to drink. That is very fun to drink. Shout out to Caledonia. Yes. So talking about the power dynamics and you'll do whatever in power gets corrupt. I was Well, the years this is the. Year, right? We're voting again, child. and weirdly, it's still 5050 with this fucking motherfucker. Which I don't a. Shit. Man could be. Convicted of all the felonies of the world and still run for presidency. How is this still legally happening? Like, why? Who is the person to shut it down? Like, why are we not shutting it down? Is this constitutional? Like, what are we talking about? The literal early on debate, talking about, I told you I wasn't going to fact check. Like, what. Is we talking about? Why the fuck would what wouldn't somebody be fact check it. Don't make no damn sense. J.D. Vance. And so the truth. Is that the truth does it matter if it's not entertaining. And just like that. Is, the problem when you have found. Out the first time this motherfucker was. Running, that we have a society that is filled with, unfortunately, individuals who don't like to think for themselves, they don't like to be educated, they don't want to educate them, they don't want to educate themselves. They just want to be told something by somebody that they find entertaining, somebody that they potentially see themselves in, somebody that they feel some sense of false loyalty to. They want to be told whatever that person thinks, says feels in a line with that innocent. That's all they require. It doesn't matter what the truth is. It doesn't matter if it causes more harm. Good, right? It doesn't fucking matter. Right. These people who are voting and going hard for Trump, I saw so much Trump propaganda paraphernalia, whatever when I went to the gun show, which is should of expected, but I was still like, my God, this is scary. Yeah. Like and these are people who are not they're not coming across as bigots, They're not looking. They're not piercing me with their eyes or whatever. I hate you. You know, they have conversations talking to and whatever, but are going hard for Trump. And it's like you seem like a relatively even keel. Like competent individual. So, like, y like just so I don't understand why. And then there are the people who are just they feel anti Kamala for whatever reason, because unless you somebody that she convicted of whatever drug offense you committed, what's your. Problem? Because I was having a meeting with a. D.A. doing their job. Don't make sense to me. This is what this is. Thank you. So mad because she did her job. Men are like she locking up, locking up all the black men for nonviolent. I don't know that you know how many days do that across the country when she knows her topic. She did her job. To the best of her ability because she was a black woman. Well, I mean, she's just making it in the end because she's a black woman. Why? Why? When it come down to the black folks and what it can be, but they always got to dissect it and ethnicity. So may have led her to be a motherfucking attorney general, her being the best attorney general that she could be. I think she was that, too, at one point. But the attorney general that she could be means that she had to like these motherfuckers, that. The whole thing about it is, one, you're voted into a. Bunch of people. She puts like justice focused on that. First of all, you have to get convictions. Now, there are absolutely people who abuse their power and are only folks are getting convicted. Don't care if you're guilty or innocent or whatever. And in between that doesn't seem to be the case for Kamala, though. Yes. So really, I was just upset with the black woman that did her job to the best of her ability and people who committed actual crimes had to actually pay for them. Now, regardless of what the law calls for. As a result of that conviction, that's separate of her. She does not make the laws. Her job is to enforce them. Not even to enforce them. That's the police's job. Her job is to prosecute. Those who violate the law. Yeah, that's our job. This is an entire right. This is an entire system. Don't know what to tell you. You're too small minded. To even care about. What she did. And she continued to move forward. And people always like what she did. She was a fucking You need to look it up because it's just shit. It's maybe. It's so much. You're asking this question and you don't even have to know. Anything in terms of our bodies, In terms of what? She's black, black women, what people, what is we just you. Ask these questions and. This is this is like we were talking about like it's crazy. Like, well, what's her plan? Have you been like that? No. Because of the fact that they're asking that at all, that, you know, they didn't Look. You have to look. Look it. Up. Trump don't have a plan to do nothing but take democracy. Back to the days. Where do fucking exist? There is no plan when it comes to the fucking the GOP. The Republicans don't give a fuck about nothing but. Rebuking the rights of everybody who is not a white man. Period. If you are not a white man in America. If you're not a rich white man and you are not a wealthy. White man in America, I can't even say white person because they don't fuck with women either. White women included, right? If you are not a wealthy white man in this country. Everything about Project. 2025 is meant to send you back to the Dark ages of hell. Yeah. It. And make it law to keep you there. Yeah. He already does. Shifted the Supreme Court and got us revoking regular human rights type shit. Yeah, I learned from that. There are people who have learned something from that, but are people who just don't give a fuck about humanity as a whole, about democracy as a whole. And our democracy already a little shaky to begin. With, right? Because people can get away with. Shit like inciting a fucking insurrection. Right? People can get away with shit like fucking with ballot boxes and shit. Like. Right. I'm not going to say that my fucking Kamala is an angel and I don't. I don't know. No shit. She is still a politician. Right? I don't personally trust any wall presence at all. Now she wants. To keep democracy as it is. Trump does not. She wants to have some kind of peace of mind in. As much as I can country and actually let us that don't make this a high amount of money. Gonna get some relief off the tax end portion of life like I don't just want a have somebody that has some kind of interests for me especially as a woman correct. It's the only person I can vote for. And your fake the leading men continue to run. This shit is going to get. Us anywhere productive. They have been. Run into the ground by men. Repeatedly, repeatedly and guess what? Always has to happen. They're relying on women behind the scenes to clean the mess constantly. Like what the fuck Commie diplomats are winning. Why because women are diplomatic, but because we do the job better than you do. But we have almost no regulation that you do. Despite you wanting to lean on our. Hormones. Once a fucking month. Meanwhile, men are hormonal. And unregulated 365 days of the year you operate off of ego and hurt feelings and fucking power struggles and fucking misunderstandings and miscommunications because you can't communicate, because you're not emotionally regulated and you're very unclear of your feelings because you have perpetuated a society that tells you that you're not supposed to be in touch with feelings because that's sassy and zesty and simp. And you think that's the way to run a country that has to engage with other countries that are holding to nuclear weapons are waiting for us to step on their toes hard enough to hit the button. Yeah, right. Where are the. People who see bigger picture. Not empowered? Where are the people who see that continuing to allow large corporations with gender relations of just building wealth off of or stripping the earth of its resources, off of underpaying just about everybody who works for you, and creating a fucking class of people who are always going to be reliant on the little bit of money that you pay them and keep them in the cycle that further. And then they're still turning around and buying the products that continue to make you rich and barely pay them. Like all that shit just disturbs me. So that's some shit that keeps up at night. And if I can't do anything about it. This is like I'm suffering. Talk to you about how stupid and horrible this right? Please. And of course that is the vote. Yeah. And to vote smartly. Yeah. Like don't just not vote just because. I don't like harmless. I'm just not like. You don't. Need to like her as a human. Right. Like this is. She's not going to be your man. Like you're not having dinner together. What do you need to like her for? Yeah, like you like Trump is what you set up. What her plan is for the American people and and get into it. She's actually trying to. It's not leave the world a worse. Off place than with your. Country as a worse off place like we're trying to, you know, be still a powerhouse, still. You know, that's what your worry about, too, is like, America goes soft. That's how I was going to look. That's not how it was going to be. And honestly. Rather than go dumb. Yeah. Well, we already went dumb. We didn't went. Stupid. I think America dumb and nice option. So it's. Approaching retard. Yeah. Like the fact that this is even a conversation that Trump has run again retard. Like do we get there. He's a convicted felon. Ain't seen a look at jail time and is running for a circuit presidency. Right retard bro. Right words we talk about. Mind blowing. I mind blow my mind. Fuck yeah. Just going to call this one mind for like. What is we talking about? Like, how do we even get here? This is sad. I'll tell you what. I'm registered to vote. I will be voting. I refuse. Definitely vote to. Not have my voice heard because this is crazy. Also, I would just like to see a woman. I would. I vote for Hillary. I want to see a woman in the White House. I just don't care what you meant. I can't. I'm tired. Y'all have proven to not do a good job repeatedly. Sorry. Not sorry like this. There's a disconnect. Yeah. Obama tried his best. Yeah, but he needed Michelle. Goddammit. He needed that light. He still needs that lady. Yeah. And so. No need. Let's just. Tell the truth for fucking once in this country and just acknowledge. That really we're able to still function. And be. Above water because of women. It's not because are you men? I'm so sorry to break it to you. But like, no go left. To your own devices. Absolutely not. Very. She she is not granted. We need your two women need men. You need women? Yeah. It's not a one. Or the other knows that. We need each other men are the only ones trying to convince themselves that women are just out here obsolete In terms of what we contribute to this. Fucking planet. Yeah, Yeah, for sure. Like across every level. Yeah. Like, you literally wouldn't exist if you didn't come. Out of a woman. And we know it's not all of you. But yes. Maybe some y'all not come laterals. I don't know. I don't. Know. Maybe. Are aliens coming down from parts? You know, not all men are bad. We all men feel this way. But let the white guys and let the general energy that tends to trickle throughout society be considered. That's the way it comes across. Is like around the world. a just can't do. Around the. World. Globally. absolutely. Yeah. This is. Not apps a fucking. Movie. It is. Yeah. I mean, there are whole religions where women. Are. Expected to just play the background. They have to go in through back doors, like to go into a mosque. Women have a separate entrance than the men, and it's usually in the back somewhere. There's a they have their own place in the mosque when it comes to prayer. They got to be in the back or in the front. But at the same time, a man doesn't have to not take care of his household either, though, like the requirement is that you provide for the household. If your wife makes money, that's her money. I'll take that trade off. I'll take the back door. I get to keep all my content but yours. sure. Money. That's a trade I'll consider. I don't know. I consider it. I don't know if I go to do it, but I could set. Back doors all the time or be fully covered or whatever. Yes, that to make it just walk around with apples and their whole face showing and all that. And then we've got to cover everything. Up to that. I get if I was born into it, I would probably understand it. But why is because it definitely matters what you've been exposed to prior to your and I suppose anything different don't know better or worse, right? Wrong. Whatever. Right. So there's that too. Yeah, but, hum. Yes. All right, let's Get to this next one vote. People just vote. Yes. So this is going to be our Novo Fogo. Called chest to chest. The Shasta is a spirit made from sugarcane juice out of Brazil. Novo Fogo partnered with a deejay group called Sophie Tucker to make this version, and it's named after their first song, Drinky, which was a song about the woman in the group becoming sober because she was drinking so much as she was talking to herself and doing these things. And pretty much throughout the song, I just learned this that she says she decides when she devours. And. She just, you know, no longer wanted to be consumed by the ways in which alcohol made her feel or do or so. So she's a sober girl, but they partner with her about this flavor, and they also partner with them for the non nonalcoholic Marty sparkling multi cans. Yeah, super cool. So that's cool. That's tasty. I love a good way to remember how which they infuse or did passionfruit this put it in there and it might be back and. It smells great. Yeah it smells like a vanilla. Passionfruit. It smells like a like a passion for dessert. Yeah. Grassy. Yes. It's still all that could Shasta Essence very much still there. That earthy grassy. Yeah. A little bit of funk. But then it's got this yummy passionfruit. I mean, it's very straightforward. That's group vanilla. Yup. Wow. A lot of it is actually. Sugar. I don't like white sugar. Yeah, definitely something to be mix. I definitely want this more in a cocktail. Yeah, I want sipping a darker. This one to. Finish. Just kind of bubble gummy. Agreed? Yeah. Very bubblegum. You like? Yeah. Yeah, I like that powdery bubblegum that comes out of the plastic. It's got the little white powder on it, right? It's like that. Wow. It's straightforward. I mean, passionfruit, passion, fruity. Yeah, The grass is grassing. That's about it. It's straightforward, which I've never. Met it for the. Yes. So there's also the news, of course, everybody knows is flooding. All right. Timelines. Is that a little bit. yeah. I guess it's not locked up, but he has been arrested. I don't know. I know. He's locked up because he's. Remanded for bail. But they wouldn't give his ass bail and he's a suicide watch. Because he's got to pay for it. Wow. The man could get anywhere he wants to get. He. When they raided his house, the. Man went across the globe and was trying to make apologies from whatever vacation home. He owns or whatever country he. Went to and talking about some of. I forgot what he said about the Cassie. Cassie. But you remember like had some video. Based in his. Office, something like this thing. These people understand that that wasn't a one off graduate. Just because you saw one video, does it mean it just was that day? That nigga is that nigga where all the fucking. He's comfortable doing it because he feels like he can cause because he's been told that he can. Like live. By some power like that. They could just talk. About power dynamic. Supposedly out of all the new cases that came out, a lot of toxicology reports or something like that back in the day that he'd been. Drugging people. With ketamine. That's crazy. Isn't that the the horse tranquilizer? Yes. Don't people, like, casually be on national hip hop? What's it called. Whatever. Call it a k. K k, something like that. And I have personally not tried that. I mean, I've seen people on it and they just out of nowhere. Just stay far away. From them, drop glasses and slow down and just kind of like, no, that's. I don't want them as well. I want that and I. Need to always like it. Correct? Yeah, I'm still aware or even more aware or even more aware, correct? no, I don't know what the fuck's going on. I mean, like I said, remote. Control is you to set up. I can't do it. That's why I can't, like, do asses, stuff like that. And even though it doesn't, like, make you lose control anything until I try something. Shrooms, just like the upper to me. Because know you. Should be sleeping. Yeah, exactly. As is the other way. Yeah, that's why I like it personally. Okay. It's like a coke psychedelic gives you. It definitely keeps you up longer, for sure, but it does the same kind of mental effects. It's just like opening your psyche to, like, what's going on around you, your feelings, everything like that. So that's firstly why I enjoy it. Yeah, you get a lot more talk too. I get talked to, like when I say I just feel like hanging out. Like, do you feel the energy here? I feel like I can. Read and feel. Like the picture. You see the auras. I can no more read like a room might feel a certain way and I feel like I can feel the temperature of it. And instead of saying the temperature as in degrees, I just say, what kind of feeling. Does that make it. Is it. Yeah. Does whatever. Yeah. But That's kind of how we feel. Feeling sometimes. Like there was one time in New Orleans I was on acid in New Orleans. I wasn't everyday. It was weird or crazy. I've never done that. What trip was this? That was for my. Birthday and. Course we went to this place to drink like Late Night with Paul was late night. And I remember just standing around. I think a fire broke out. I tried to break up a fight with the hug. I remember like the guy who I didn't know. I was just hugging him, tall man. He's like yelling at me and I'm just, like, hugging him like everything's fine. And. And then I guess his girlfriend friend was like, I got this girl's okay. Okay. Luckily, she wasn't mad at me just hugging the man, cause literally, I was just hugging. I was like, It's okay. Maybe. I think it probably was floating. But after that, I remember just standing in the corner and just feeling like there comes a point in that city that the drinking is not just is a little about fun and more about the compression. Yeah, the city. And you can kind of just feel it in the room that people kind of need it to be there because being anywhere else would just not be mentally fine for them and they just needed to be consuming for a coping situation. Yeah. And, you know, I think that's what gets a little bit that's the only thing. I love New Orleans. I love it, I love it, I love it. But I think that's a part of its culture a little bit, especially when it gets around the hurricane season and stuff like that, where people have the cost to go through this this seasonal this hurricane season depression. Yeah, because you just and that's a different type of seasonal depression. It's like uncertainty, anxiety, trauma from what's happened before. Like. Yeah, yeah. Have to prepare yourself for the potential worst of stuff, right? That's the. Fears. What she was. About to say. I'm. Just going to say after the recent hurricane, I just wanted to, you know, hope everyone is okay. I saw that Asheville, North Carolina. I really got Yeah. In a lot of other places. So Georgia, too, apparently had a lot I had to check on my grandmother. Thankfully, her area was like relatively fine. Okay. Minimal damage and stuff. She had her electricity, water. Elsewhere, there was some flooding pressure that was flooding in Savannah because it was ripe out of water. But she's in pooler. So it's further away from like where the actual water line is. But they did have the electricity up a little bit, not as like some people were headed out to or still have it out till like the 12th. wow. So she didn't have that issue just a minimal damage from like trees and shit like that. But but yeah, a lot of people have gotten really like, terribly affected. So yeah, losing everything for definitely wishing, expeditious healing and recuperation and all of that stuff for that. Like that's one thing that very much keeps me living in the D.C. area is that major weather. Stuff does not really happen, doesn't. Yeah. Not to the capacity that it does some more concentrated states right. And so you might. Rain for a whole month. But yeah, we get some flooding. We'll get hit with snowstorms, we'll get hit with certain stuff. But it's not enough to like shut a city down. Yeah, per se. And not many places are losing everything because of it. Right? Exactly. Not when I walk away. Losing everything. Yeah. And So potential to honestly. Right. Yes. I think like out in like Maryland or Virginia, sometimes we'll get like tornadoes. Yeah. And that's in those kind of rural areas where stuff like that happens, right. Where there's a lot of land and all of that. The circumstances are there to create that type of situation. But in terms of like the closer you get to the city, that hasn't really been like a major thing outside, like the winds for that, which is winds by knocking roof over a bit my losing a couple of roof pieces a little crazy. Does. When a little branch might run through a window or two. Yeah that has happened. Yeah. Because I think Eric and Alex some hit one of the trees. That they went down broke the. First frame so some shit happens. Yeah. But compared to what happens to others. We're very blessed in this area. That's was thousand percent. Yeah. Shit. I was about to say something, I forgot it. It'll come. Back some of the like New Orleans and this people and. just once they shut out to. Now no doubt it's around. The levee. Today. He's in town. He's here now. So I'll see you tonight. I. Was here for it. He said no, he's here for something else, but he's there. Go to the top of our tonight. I'm going to go to that. Let's go. Back. I mean, I'm in the city. For a week to. yeah, right. Okay. Yeah, I'll take it easy. Any I have. I got a reservation at council. It was only on Thursday. Basically DC all week. Joe Nice. I'm quite excited for me cuz Chef Chris. Is he gonna do the same I. Mean. yeah. Well, okay, you know what? Before we go to our next sip, I just say what I appreciate about this one person right now that I will regularly go dates with. Yes. Is the fact that I was having a conversation with yesterday. I was at Amazonia visiting Greg. Hey, Greg. And I wasn't where I was. And so he looked it up, was like maple. Was that this one? Yes. Yes. And so I would tell him, I think this would be a good spot for a date night. I'm forgetting that. Already talked about a table Thursday. It's so. It was essentially it was give it say list. Google's things Yeah it's I looked it up he books of reservation yes. He says included Google tasting menu. I was like you mean cars that haven't been there. Yeah yes I haven't been downstairs. Okay. You mind if we do. That's where Greg. You supposed to be taking me Greg. Longer. Hello. Waiting on my welcome back in the long. Friend the show. Leslie when I come back from whatever. okay, I'm them. Before we go, y'all need to get it on a calendar to book their reservation. Is that playing? I don't know. Like, what the fuck. But my. What? I love that he just simply made the rather Basch no questions except for period who were tasting menu period. Yes. I'm cool with a tasting menu. I love that. How kind of you to ask, right? How grown man of you to just make the fucking reservation period. And what I like. Is that I can show up to a restaurant in that order of fucking thing. I just picked the wine or the. Cocktail it was and that comes out. Is fucking fantastic. I appreciate that. In a date. Hell, yeah. Take the fucking lead, for God's sakes. Let me know I can trust you and I can let my wrists go limp. That is, my mission in life is to let my operation date strategy data. We call it operation date. Trying to be dainty. Trying to put boss date inside of my dating life. That's because that's the only place. That's gonna be put aside. Yeah. And let my risk go live. It's all I want to do is let my risk go live. I carry a housewife purse with barely anything in it because I don't need anything that's. I know what that is. So we're. Manifesting. Yes, I want that to come out to that man. Someone who takes initiative on the dating is really great. I love that I would love that. Be the leader. Let me. Fall back. Yeah Something like. don't put it on me. I guess it also helps it like we're in a similar space. Like, Yes, he's a chef. He works for himself, which is great. And so he's heavier on the catering side versus being tethered to a restaurant. And so very much relate in that because I'm nine years of my career was in that space. Yeah. And so I get that world and I get the hecklers hectic ness of it, especially when you work for yourself. Yeah. And but also there's like a mutual appreciation for just like, really great food and drinks. Yeah. And so I like that I can just trust and a he's not looking to me like he looks people to drink stuff because he'll pick one drink and drink that same thing And so if he's going to jump out there in different shit, I get to pick it. Yes. And I like that's fair exchange. It's great. It's for a change. Well. I do like ordering for people, but I don't have to write. I want to be an option 100%. So yes, shout out to that. Shout to hear the free lining in the cesspool of tea. That I'm experiencing. Chef, Nice game. You shout out to you. Chefs already like you. I never knew. Yes. And it was. Like I remember Shasta. Yes, Shasta, you should feel like there wasn't you got a per. that's so great. Okay. All right. Let's do our final step and then we're eating anywhere. Great. I know you have. I know that in the eight months that we have been. A great place to just get listed. I'll be was one of my highlights that's here in D.C.. Yeah, I'll be on my list. my God. Because you're Mediterranean. Me. I was able to go with Simon Ford of Ford's Gin, and that was really great. We did the taste menu there. That was amazing. I am I got to go to. So I follow this on the way to South Africa. We had a ten hour layer over in London, and I went to the one place that I've been wanting to go because I've been following this page forever to strangers, and they were delicious. They met every expectation I thought they were going to meet. So that was really nice. We were excited to go back to London for the amount of days that will be there to see all the things that people have been telling me about. I need to get a list then. Ooh, I have one. Ooh, I have a good one. Okay. let's taste this last one and then. Yeah, talk more. I thought about it. I had really good. Go. You go for it. So meet me in Louisville. another great Mediterranean spot. Met the chef, me and my friend Emily Rhodes, who's with 291. We had a great dinner date. They're like we bond over Mediterranean food at this point. Yeah, and I had been stalking that place all weekend while I was there for Kentucky Bourbon Festival because I couldn't get a fucking reservation. Yeah. So now you telling me No one. I'm obsessed. And so I was stalking it the entire weekend as I was like, You know what, Emily? Fuck it. We go. Go. Like around the time when they first open or whatever and just grab a table. So we were able to pull up and walk in and get a table out on the patio was a perfect night to be on the patio. And it was so quaint and cute and like just intimate enough outside that it was really nice. Food was faint tastic, cocktails, fantastic, great wine. I think I had a lambrusco that was really good. I mean, just every course was so good. The way did the tuna tartare was really fun because their crispies was like these little, like, crispy cups. Yeah. And so you can kind of scoop your tartar because it's in this like, yummy sauce, whatever it was. So and so we spent so much time talking to raving about the food that the chef came. How does this I'm to think a private industry or maybe the maybe the waitress could tell whatever because sent. The chef to. Us. So it was nice to meet him. Yes. And I left with a chef. Come talk to me, please. Come talk to me. Make me feel special. Right. But it was great. It was fucking fantastic. my God. It was so good. I was so satisfied with all that food. Anything with hummus and dips and non bread, just pickled vegetables. And it was so many good pickled vegetables. They like a watermelon salad with some pickled. It was just a lot of pickled beets. It was so great. Everything was good. Like Omega Dan has some, like, amazing chocolate bar club bar, something. It was just. Great, you know? I love that was a highlight of September for me was their restaurant was there. So that is my just like Peche is my I have to go when I go to New Orleans, I have to go to Peche. Yeah, I. Have to go to Mission Beach when I go to Louisville. Now. I love that. So definitely one that I highly recommend that in NAMI, which is a Korean barbecue spot in. Louisville, also great, fantastic food. There is one more. I'm excited to try. I'll be the. As I have to figure out the name of it. Yeah those are Italian space in near like an hour out of New Orleans and. I love it. Now when. It was so good. It was so good. So good. It was so good. It was so good. It's so good. Yeah. I had to stock up his location, make sure she was HSR. I was far out there. It's this girl, and. And I looked up the little kid like the. The pin. I was able to, like, put that in Google Maps and see what was right there. I was like, are you? And it was, it's yeah. It was all old. then Aperol. It's like a tiny spot has been here basically forever. Forever. I can remember next time. I remember for now. But yeah, so. Okay, so this is spot Barn for our last sip. Last. This is going to be pretty much long. They're coming out, as you know, another herbal liqueur that you could possibly use instead of grapes for a truce into a bottle for me to taste and do a little content with. So I'm very excited. But this is my first time opening it up. Did you do a video there? But yes, it's supposed to be the day they'll get a video. Well, you'll get it. You'll get a. Video in directly cheers to your fourth. One. Okay. So I mean it gives herbal liquor on the nose. I mean it's got the sweet component. It's got their baseness. Yeah. Mean I guess that's kind of like a rosemary little bit of like tarragon. Definitely licorice. Like the anise. Basil, maybe. Yes, even like Thai basil. Because Taipei lot specifically. It's got that basil with that anise. Yeah. The Thai basil. Yeah. Specifically Tabula for sure. Yeah. I just I used to grow Thai basil in my when I had a garden child. I always rub the leaves and like the smell my hands always gave me like licorice and basil. Something kind of smells like shake my hand. Maybe. Actually. Shea butter, I don't see. But, I mean, as I smell, it is light. But it's like that raw shea butter. Nothing in it, right? Yep. That's interesting. Which I have to use a lot. Usually another it. Okay. This is delicious. Actually, it doesn't feel as sweet as Grandma treats me right. is it? Is a nice sub infrastructure. I wouldn't be mad at this in my. It in my mouth for. An easy or like that licorice. Yeah. That I won't but you can definitely get around that for sure. I'm into it I'm very much into it and I don't feel like I thought I was going to be like you know I'm not because it's not that sugary. It's actually quite light. It's not as thick or syrupy at all. Compared to most liquors. Debbie Like, I like that. I'm not mad at this. It definitely may seem like. Down what's the cocktail that I did herb. Cracker with some herb go cheese immediately? Well, yes. I think this kind somehow being like a part of a crust on the goat cheese would be really good for some reason. Like I won't goat cheese because of this. And I don't know how to explain that. Wow. Wow. That's really. Good. Yeah. What is my cocktail? Are I getting with the mask? How do we take it out? The gin, getting it. Why is that? Escaping my brain. I get so many of them equal parts. I lime gin. last word. Thank you. Yes. I don't know why I couldn't super very far. Because I wore them all the time. I get my glasses all the time. But I was saying that to say would be so great that Yeah. Kind of makes if I had such as the results are probably better. Really cool. That's good. So definitely I would. Put that so top. Like red, you know. Yeah. I'm Alex Autumn at home. I am so blasphemous. That What the fuck. Obviously I. my God I So. It's like you all arrived today. Yes, we were all over the place, which I know how we did it. So yes. When? Eight months was a good. yes. Last update is that you guys. I started taking my shot for my skin and it's been really nice. My skin dries, I guess like a regular person, which is annoying because it feels worse to me. But it's nice to get used to it. Yeah, like my dry before was like it was dry and cracked, and now it's like, dry. I don't know how I stay moisturized for sure, but like, the dryness is so different. And kind. Of annoys me. So you getting used to me Different job, right? Right. Guinea used to. Be the craggy ass bitch having crack and bitches got. My my. The blemishes are still there, but the the skin is smoother. So this is really nice and. I think the longer that it that it's maintained, this stuff will fade. Right. Exactly. So this is I'm only only on my technical third dose okay. Like or third week of the doses that I did on Friday. So Yeah. Be doing another shot and shit. Before you leave. I do a shot when I get back. Okay. Yeah. Cause I can't. I won't be here. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Well, don't forget to, like, share, comment. And subscribe first of. All, that was engage. I read the keto TV. I get that, Matt, all day long. I'll watch all his videos, give him his random grunts and everything is so ridiculous. I can say this. I don't know enough of his. my God. God. Okay, we're gonna go down that rabbit hole. Has some videos we. In against a TV fucking food allergy, but okay. Yes. Like share, comment, subscribe. Continue to encourage us to keep doing. Episodes like you've been doing in person. We love you so much. Yeah. Motherfucking minute and then we'll see you. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We have a bonus poor bonus. Poor. I forgot I was with that. I could have room for my bonus for that. Well, cheers. Well. So our bonus. Poor. you tell us about this, actually. So I. Honestly, I don't know what the fuck is, is. So let's read about. This is a gift from J. Tarasco. Sharonda Yeah. So A'ja press sugar cookie dough estate grown and pressed sugarcane and red volcanic soil. It was Asian ex-bourbon barrels for a minimum of three years or four months and does contain contain mushrooms. I'm guessing the lack of serious indigo Plautus. Ah, Stratos is the shrooms. As you can see in. One shroom in here. It's not more than one which, you know, can't give that much of an effect like, you know. Right. Yeah. The shrooms that you think we're talking about. Yes, we're talking. About as in psilocybin bean. Yes. That's what we're talking about. So essentially it is a mexican rum infused with shrooms. It is says it nails Sharonda and it has a denomination or two, so. Okay. And this is ball number two. so it's like the second bench or. Bottom number two. no. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. But they ask Google translate the whole. Day with this. I don't know. But they had. This also look up like, serious. And they go. That's a lot to. Spell. Lack of a re in Spanish. Okay. It is tough. like is going to go yeah there is bottle. So that's bottle number two. good. Wow. What commonly known as the indigo milk cap. I don't want milk cap. milky indigo like there is blue like there is a blue milk mushroom as a species. Ah JERRICK Fungus in the family. What's the least The fruit body color ranges from dark to blue. Fresh specimens. Interesting. yeah. All right. Well, if it smells like mushrooms. well, that one is not. That one is not psychedelic. So let's try other one. I think they might like to do this. This is mushrooms in a blue plume. Plume? Sorry, This is taking off. Summertime. this. this is the blue roses, silly. Get out for me. Okay. There it is right there, Beau. awesome Mushrooms. These are regular mushrooms. This man said it was. Yeah, You know them psychedelic now, but this is regular mushrooms. I just. I just google them. The milky mushroom and oyster mushroom. This is psychedelic. Then we revoke, not revoke, but we take back the psilocybin part. These are oregano mushrooms. Yeah. Wow. I'm infused with regular mushrooms. I think. So. I think they're just trying to get people. And it still is not mad at it. I mean, I mean, it's. It's like those strains and tried to make them in a psychedelic way, which is just growing them on cow poop. So who knows is that will them sick And I'm out here eating manure shrooms. my God, You didn't know. I've just never known in life, you know, because I love you. May been. Contemplating on asking if you knew that. I had never been, you know. I know. Yeah, I know. That's why you had to contemplate it, you know? And sometimes I would say, like, you know, she's going to be so mad. That's going to depend. Now. I guess I just had to wait. Just had to wait to get that far, because now we go to the caviar. How could you watch a video? How? Cat? my God, I can't wait to beat it. my God, I can't watch it. I discussed it. I saw once and I was like, fuck it. So carry on for a second. And I'm like. But I guess I was trying to get people to ride with the right dip. So that's. Well, I'm not a regular caviar eater. Like, it's definitely a special occasion for me, but yeah, caviar, a little dip, some champagne. Crispy chip. Well, crisp little piece of cucumber on the side. Yeah God. Well, why would you check your Caprice, asshole? Because what was she just full of her video of this fucking shit? Fishy. That's not even shit. I don't. You know, my. But I still say seafood that we're getting together. I'm it to the motherfucking plant life. Or plant right because it was hers. It started as like, just like a bunch of seafood dishes. Now, is that it? So you have a crab and shit. Like, what's happening is they had this, they. Got tired of making salmon bites and. Shit. Yeah, because. All that shit with salmon was like. Smothered crab. People. So now you give people trauma. The commons. Like if you don't go back to my salmon class. But I want to pay the check, not give me my back, just save it. Possible recipes in the same bag saying Fuck you. Give me one, honey, give me one case first. I thought there was room for something. Smells great. Maple. Yes. Honey? Yes. That, like, just some kind of, like, cool, like caramelized wood sugars, if that makes any sense. What sugars is? Yes, definitely. Like some torched sugar. Right. Something being cooked down to just about caramelization, but not quite. There. There's the earthiness of the mushrooms to own. And those. Realistically. If you know the breed well, where's your next move to Wicked? Is there ever is we gonna go buy one to my client? This is what I do think about. Why are you asking me about them? Breed of the dog. Useless. Fuck you bitch. My useless is crazy. It's me. This of where should people be doing on them apps We go like weird shit. Why would you ever in your life fix your thumbs to tell me I'm useless? You don't know me from a canopy is because I don't know the fucking. First of all, if you want. To know. The fucking breeze of it. Reverse Google. Read my fucking image. You find out. Yeah. Because, bitch. I don't know, Thomas. I'm useless. Useless to your damn self. You're you. I cannot stand people like that. Yeah. They want to see stuff like hot honey salmon rings. Okay. how do you salmon? They really made it a battered. Salmon for. A hot honey salmon, right? wow. That's probably not the pink. Cranberry ocean spray. My thing is that even bright yellow shit show? You wouldn't like that. I hate that because. Probably broke apart. And they just ended it with period with this good girl juice. I love. This. And they go. Hey, great departed mom, because this is what could happen. It didn't look good. Buying into that. We already know what's up. I edit enough video to know you had to cut this shit out. A hilarious see you later. All right. We love your place